Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paper Plate Award Ideas Basketball


I'm sure it san scho ol curious how deppad whether gstorben olle ma jez san oda ned. Quite regardless of that stand is on Facebook lifted ...

Eiso on Tuesday woa snow day. Voi supaklass. Jo hobi wieda spent totally unproductive. I picked up ma knickers gang books and prints zambickt, Eiso only one really that andan lesi waste of paper at the computer, the other was. Something Muasi lesne jo i ned is almost 10 months lesne nothing. and wos andas griagt ma ned in the internet.

Jo aussadem HODS pockt Wed at 23:50 and i absolutely Woit spün Wii. then the hobi a gmocht up by 1 Since then rinsing
i jedn tog wii. ned imma at the time of course.

Ok, i just picked up the snow days spent indoors, Most scholars consider wii. Outdoor schweisnkoid woas and hod aufn snow draufgregnet, oba ka water but somehow Eiso Sun and hod gfiat to that ois packaged in a shiny sheet of ice woa. to step are gmocht aussi glegn scho and stood next hoibe nimma aufkuma. but say i do ned by their own experience.

On Friday woa wieda shui, oba with 2-hour-delay. have the purely mathematical hobi actually just vii semsterferien ghobt like her (school children) daham. because 2 tog nachm free end of the second week 9. and then the three schneetog und semsterferien san jo nix anderes ois 5 freie tog zwischen 2 wochnenden. Eiso bitte, do hommas. Gerechtigkeit hod wieda gwuna olle san glücklich, gehma ham. Nicht! do hobi mi a bissi gfiacht weil a geschichte test geplant woa und i es kapitel ned fertig glesn hob, oba i man... kum, ganz ehrlich! WER mocht bitte daham Hausübung? Na eben!

Die Angst war unbegründet, weil es is auf mittwoch oder donnerstag verschoben worden. Frohi! :)
Den tog homma a nu hinter sich gebracht (bin ned ganz siher ob ma des so sogn kann).

Ajo und es AFS-Camp is obgsogt wordn weils eingeeist woa und wahrscheinlich wirds ned nachgeholt. :( deswegen hobi ma später ausgmocht mit da Carly frühstücken am samstag. FROHI!

aufgstandn Saturday bini, and ..... louder flaky fluffy snow Flauschi. soo schöööööööön. Thurs hobi Wed pleased, then hobi Wed ready gmocht breakfast to, oba unfortunately hod eingschneit woa the Carly, i raised can gsogt that i jo to ia kuma, and di carly hod si custody gmocht that ma in the snow stuck and terrible death can die, the oba Michele gsogt hod it in any weather hinfahrn everywhere. and then hung HODS fiat Wed
It woa ois zugschneit and we san voi So by the geslidet area. In ana crossing samma gstandn 10 minutes because the conductive san olle things with 25 and vorbeigebraust us kana aussilossn hod, all egoists des samma Oba sometime endich aussikuma, wozu mein kommentar, dass es tomtom sogt wir miassn jo eh grod foan, nicht unwesentlich beigetragen hat. Des is so umständlich gschrieben dass is selber nimma ganz check, oba dann hobts wenigstens a bissi a beschäftigung, gell. ;)

Schlussendlich hommas dann gschofft und a gseng warums nirgends hinfoan kina hom. komplett zua miot schnee. I hob dann mit da Carly Just Dance auf da Wii gspüt, des woa vielleicht anstrengend, he. Dann hamma nu Disney Singstar gspüt. Do hobi nix kennt aussa high school musical. [gottseidank]
Dann hobi a klane klaviersession einglegt und wir hom uns an solot ois lunch gmocht. Zum schluss hod ma die Carly nu a maniküre verpasst. Allerdings homs nur rosa, rot und pastelllila ghobt, deswegens an jez my nails bright pink. woa of a long procedure. cut only obschleifen, polish (ma you soo nice glänzi) then coat them in hand cream, hand in a plastic bag in hand and some warmer. and then there's nail polish of course. To go jo.
After the whole hod mi the obghoit michele again because as Carly ia mama after 10 tog business travel is wieda hamkuma and carly nu auframa Woit. It was a relatively short visit on down anyway. aussadem bini nimma with ana ia in class and i Woit wieda moi scorching.

woama On Sunday at the Boy Scouts meeting, do not participate hobi Wed wieda absolutely unproductive. Wochner Woa eh nothing for mi, because at a hiking tour recently ganga is next on down the horse collar, and do Caitlyn!! juhu aus Kalifornien. Und wenni zum ersten moi mei gastschwester siag dann hau i mi sicha ned mit lauter buam in die kälte aussi. I spinn jo ned. (ned lebensbedrohlich jedenfois)

Am abend dann woa SUPERBOWL! des is es wichtigste footballspiel. i kenn mi do eigentlich ned wirklich aus. ok absolut goa ned. I hob ma nur die werbungen angschaut, die san besnoders guad weil 30 sekunden werbung 3 mio$ kostn, weils so vü leit schaun. do san scho gscheid guade dabei. I hob oba ned olle angschaut.

Jop, so woa des domois. In da schui is a nix los.des deppade persuasive paper in englisch, 2. weltkrieg in geschichte, mei diarama schuhkarton in photography is fertig. Hier ein farblich aufgemotztes Exempel: allerdings is des scho a bissi obglaufebn because the island fluffy cardboard opponent is right hobi austauscht.und onto cube house hobi klane spiegerln ois draufbickt window. looks better! Sogn and i must that i have raised in Traunstein hinbickt guad. a when a lot [would] have rockfall.

Is not it beautiful? Is not it incredibly beautiful?

gmocht in digital design Homma multiplicy of hate ii am on foto 10 moi in it, i picked that i gmocht output in 5 times on it that i finally WOAT the drinks machines are ready. wieli and nothing in between to doa raised mochi nu flauschkugeln soiche more like the tree top in the photo. wos is with the mcohn soit, wasi ned. christbaumschmuck oda Sun hoid.

hod yesterday Gabi photos posted by Kilian and i am of course another 10 minutes in front of the laptop and picked gsessen gmocht delighted squeaks. Jez is da Kilian my background everywhere. Eiso jo i find he looks like the gabi, oba because he looks like gerald. bebibebibebibebibebibebibebi \u0026lt;3

Joo, eh scho jez is Thursday night. I moch jez pizza rolls and jo. 'm done. Although i think that i picked up some more or less forgotten and funny sochn because i ma nix aufgschriebn raised oba wos soima mochn not Wohr. i can schaumoi zamkratzen Wosien:

  • Family Guy is funny and goofy VOOI
  • Saturday Night Fever fost nu more
  • i picked festgstellt meina that school is a model. oba voi Undso correct model, the schuat like the miranda kerr a bissi. (The is the girlfriend of orlando bloom, the other type of Pirates of the Caribbean) Wochner
  • ana from meina English class woa 2 in gfängnis because when caught hemp in schui hom * lol *
  • out right now is pork shreds cold, oba, it is said warmer
  • hobi Dagestan are the One Act Drama Club Show from angschaut: Woan of mainly self-written pieces and the first act of Sweeney Todd. Even should die hams Thurs whom.
  • no to Temelin!
Jo fein, mehr geht ned für now. buba :D



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