Monday, December 22, 2008

When Do Lcd Tvs Price Drop?

Im Netz: Blick von Prags Türmen

Who will enjoy one of the towers of Prague, the view of the Czech capital needs, but not even go to Moldova, but this can now also do Internet.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ifriends марципан

Estland: Die Simpsons aus Lego

More than 2.4 million copies of The Simpsons opening credits was filmed using Lego pieces from the 14-year-old Estonian student Urmas Salu, the portal "Youtube" already seen. As he told the daily newspaper Postimees in an interview , he would like to participate in the development of the Estonian film industry. As he described his dream to turn in Estonia "a decent action movie with good content."

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sinuses Hurt More At Night

Rußland: Das Geschäft mit der Sowjetnostalgie

Im kapitalistischen Rußland erlebt die Sowjet-Nostalgie eine neue Blüte, wie zu berichten weiß . Dabei geht es weniger um Ideologie, als um Erinnerungen an eine vermeintlich unbeschwerte Jugend.

Besonders bemerkbar macht sich der Trend im Bereich der Gastronomie. Cafés und Stehimbisse mit Namen wie „UdSSR“ oder „Freundschaft“ laufen erfolgreich. Besonderer Beliebtheit erfreut sich die klassische „ stolowaja“, the canteen, which stands for good value and good food. The business models are quite different. During payable in Moscow in some places through and through unsozialistische prices, but sometimes even a striptease may be ordered for dessert, some companies rely on low prices, larger quantities of customers - and make it part of transactions relating to that of established restaurants can measure. Even the department store GUM on Red Square in Moscow successfully marketed its socialist past.

The nostalgia wave recorded alongside other areas of popular culture special interest channels show Soviet films and reports about the Gagarin's space flight or the funeral Breschnejws. Enjoys great popularity at the time the music of the 1980s. On the Internet, successfully marketed Soviet Propagandeplakate as a poster. And from the initiative of three friends a museum of old Soviet slot machines came into being on the edge of Moscow.

are unanimous in wanting all the votes cited in the article that the phenomenon of nostalgia is not fed from a desire to see the old system again. The psychologist Vadim Petrovsky speaks of the stress of awakening the desire to feel like a kid again - and if those childhood took place in the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s, would they just associated with the Soviet Union. Accordingly, could come true at the end of the article cited forecast, according to which could be expected in the not too distant future with a 90's fashion.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Stream Pirates Digital Playground

Sollen estnische Russen ihre Namen estnifizieren?

A plan of the Estonian Interior Ministry, after which it will be easier to better integrate into society people with Russian names to estnifizieren this provides, at present for discussion. According to a report of, the plan of the Ministry to change the name of the law such that the desired integration is accepted as a reason for a name change. As an example in the article, the football player Konstantin Kolbassenko called, who changed his name to Konstantin Nahke. had a similar campaign in Estonia, where in the 1930's, when the majority of German surnames were converted into Estonian.

The plan met with immediate criticism. In a statement, the Ministry of Population, cited on, states: "The Estnifizierung of names is certainly no part of integration policy. The man with an Estonian surname, it does not automatically integrated into society. "Next is the issue of name changes as a" cosmetic change ", while integration is an" internal Process "should be.

Converting A Sliding Door

Medwedew gratuliert russischen Muslimen zum Opferfest

the occasion of the Islamic Adha, the Russian President Dmitri Medvedev to the Muslim population of Russia has turned. In his speech he stressed the positive virtues of religion. In a statement on cited states: "This is important for every Muslim holiday symbolizes peace and prosperity, forgiveness and concern for the neighbor. He recalls the basics of Islam that call for justice and mercy, the people at a respectful attitude towards educating general human values. "

Friday, December 5, 2008

Causes For Oatmeal To Hurt Stomach

Roboterwettbewerb in Tallinn

at Tallinn University of Technology was held on this Friday, the robot competition " Robotex " instead. The robots had to be measured is to clean up in a room lying around socks and cans. A video is here, it seen.

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Russen und Außerirdische: Das Rußlandbild im internationalen Kino

A article on "Novyi region" lamented the bad image of Russia in international cinema, the blame does but also in the local film makers: they had in the past 20 years hard on a Russia-image involved, must fear the man.

The two worst "enemies from outside," wrote Aleksey USOV, are extraterrestrial civilizations and Russians. The theme of "Russians" come in recent times if not in every other, then at least in every fifth movie - an interest in it, as no longer existed since the end of the Cold War. Even films like "James Bond" or "Indiana Jones" were spared from this trend. In addition to the mainstream the issue was also in the cinema to date, as an example the film "Duska" the Dutchman Jos Stelling called. And Emir Kusturica plan for "Maradona," a film about life in North Ossetia.

the film "Birthday Girl - Bride to order" with Nicole Kidman takes USOV the occasion, the theme of "Immigration" in the film to take a closer look. While the cinema immigrants generally patronizing-indulgent treat, was the attitude towards Russian immigrants to strictly reserved. Furthermore USOV discusses the films "A Beautiful Mind - Beautiful Mind" by Ron Howard and David Cronenberg's "Eastern Promises - Eastern Promises." The latter was an example of the "threat from the East", when Russia will be represented in the film.

"Successful countries interested in the cultural field mostly not, "writes USOV - they just give her no substance. The cinema is always a reflection of reality.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How Light Does The Second Line

Rußland: Geistliche auf Verkehrspatrouille

The traffic police in Russia's Penza region operates according to a report the "Novy Izvestia" together with the Orthodox Church in order to reduce the number of road accidents. Then go since the beginning of this month, traffic police together with the clergy on patrol. Offenders instead of punishment expected an uplifting address by the ecclesiastical dignitary. A spokesman for the traffic police of the city Kuznetsk said that after only two actions, the number of the accidents have been reduced. While according to the report in Russia is already a long tradition of commitment of the Church against traffic accidents, always including clergy were arrested for violations, including without drunk driving or driving license. As a side note a debate in Hungary is mentioned, where priests are calling for an exception to the strict prohibition of alcohol and driving, as they would professionally drinking sacramental wine.

Level E Vocabulary Workshop Answers

Senator aus Komi möchte finno-ugrische Parlamentarier zusammenbringen

How reported , has Igor Vasilyev , representatives of the Republic of Komi in the Russian Federation, but issued to bring together parliamentarians from Finno-Ugric countries outside Russia, as well as Finno-Ugric regions of Russia. Independent States where Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bare spoken, Finland, Estonia and Hungary. hardened to the Finno-Ugric regions of Russia in addition to including Komi Mari El, Udmurtia, Mordovia and Karelia. An International Association Finno-Ugric legislature may in the opinion of the senator used, inter alia the exchange of experiences, but also help in solving concrete problems. All regions is common concern for the preservation of culture and language, but also the desire to participate actively in the realization of social projects and initiatives.

Will You Be Wet Right Before Period

Rußland und Lateinamerika

Zwei Kommentare auf widmen sich anläßlich der Reise Präsident Medwedews den Beziehungen zwischen Rußland und Lateinamerika. Michail Winogradow zählt drei Thesen auf , die das Interesse Rußlands an dieser Region begründen. Die ersten beiden verwirft er: nach dem Machtwechsel im Weißen Haus in Washington, solange sich die Position des neuen Präsidenten Obama gegenüber Rußland noch nicht gezeigt habe, sei nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt für militärische-strategische Projekte, die gegen die USA gerichtet sind. Und die Weltwirtschaftskrise erschwere die Realisierung wirtschaftlicher Großprojekte. Winogradow sieht das Interesse an cooperation currently in search of common economic interests and recommends as a partner for Brazil.

contrast Vladimir Pribylowskij regrets that in South America in cooperation with Russia, especially those States are interested, the bad and difficult relations with the United States had - people and structures, for which there is no future. " Pribylowskij warns. "For Russia, a worsening of relations with the U.S. strategically unnecessary and unprofitable"

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hidden Blades Mechanism

October 2008 - Portes Ouvertes

Coll. Petit Four à l’Orange - Zimtzucker-Fleur - Pomme d’Or - Ingwer Oriental Grand Cru Zuckerschnecken Schokospecial by coming soon
Grand Cru Naschkatzen Schokospecial by coming soon Special guest by coming soon Dolcefarniente neu: Wencke Schmid

Wir freuen uns auf alle Zuckerschnecken, Naschkatzen und Wunderfüchse!

Im Rahmen der: 18. Oktober 2008 14-20 Uhr 19. Oktober 2008 11-18 Uhr ++++++++++++++++++++++++

Monday, October 6, 2008

How Many Pancakes In A Mix

Tender temptations of idleness by coming soon!
by coming soon - June 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fondant Ballet Slipperpattern

by coming soon - shop

Friday, May 30, 2008

Build Water Mister Reptile

tableau vivant by coming soon

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Quotes To Put On Wedding Invitation

Geschenkfabrik Nr.8

Folklorist ik Bohème - April 2008

Canned Foods Taste Metallic

by coming soon gewinnt am 1. Schaufensterwettbewerb des Reh4!!!



tableau vivant by coming soon

5th April 2008 + 16:30 + 17:30 + 18:30

anniversary celebration 16-21 h

anniversary exhibition YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL

8th March - 13 April 2008 under art space Riehen Strasse 71 Basel
more information

Friday, March 28, 2008

How Long Do The Oz Rally Lancers Last 2003?

Geschenkfabrik Nr.8

brik No.8 Advent 2007