Sunday, January 30, 2011

Aqua Master Fake Watch

deals to 13.02.

our offerings here in the Island Soap Shop:
January is around, from here we go again weather technically up-I hope. I have the wet, very cold WEtter ziemlich satt und den SChnee sowieso-ich will Sonne und Tshirtwetter... Ist das der Winterblues?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Does A Dazzle Need Software?

Do not Blink!

On Wednesday woa half, Uiuiui. And to celebrate the day for the first hobi moi missed in the bus. Oba to happen when David woa, woa Weila for da Kalin and hodn aussigjogt in there, and do Frua isa hamgfoan and donn Hoda Wed shui gfiat ind. Des woa cool. There are new semester hod angfangt Eiso hobi, NaIO ned new classes, new classes oba hoid people in oiden Tues In elecctronic music jez bini it only Lara, and Digital Photography in hobi to neichn teacher who knows si nu, Ned, and jez mochma grod a so strange a thing is of like a collage Stöten do ma random einfoch klumpert some and so on down a scho bissi still subject to English have Diarama. i picked "Home", and moch Thu Sun traunseeschiffal with water and on the mountain and rest in wasi nu ned. i picked ka jo Sun guad as small producers.
gschneit hods a. 
Mei neicha Lunchbuddy is jez di Fiona. Mit der is imma lustig, jez bini ka Lunch-Authist mehr. :)
Die Fiona is a so a Fan von How I Met Your Mother und Bones, und weil i jo staffeln 1,2,4 auf DVD hob, hobi ia des borgt und si hod ma Young Victoria borgt.

Daham hobi ma dann Young Victoria angschaut, noch am Haufen Probleme mit Windows Media Player und andare Windows Programme hobi dann in VLC oda wasi wie der haßt gnuma, der hod hinghaut.
Am Montag hobi jo schnitzel gmocht und do woan nu erdöpfi üba und do hobi dann an erdöpfisolot gmocht. with zwüfi. jamjam

On Thursday bini hamkuma and then einpockt hobi mi and am gone walking so the creepy house. Des woa eingfoin a bissi and ahead of di t ürn Woan and window boards and signs where it says "No Trespassing" on down the posterior border of the aufbrochen ghobt who hod hod ma and behold some kina. Des woa oba as creepy weggrennt middle of the field, screaming in a house some empty gaze, Eiso bini. Not!
I picked a wos festgstellt very great, because usually works! Jo iPod with body heat. Eiso with handschauch is Thurs nix, oba voi screen if there is cold, (For example wemma 1 hour in the snow running around) then go with the handschuach a. Klass, oda?

to eat HODS GEBN amoi wos new. at the beginning HODS ausgschaut as a giant fruit salad with plastic bags. oba it kartoffln woa and meat and carrots and celery. Des woa all right, only about 75% of the potatoes Woan weng only a crude, oba else entirely woas jamjam.

evening hod Tues shui angruafn Friday is 2-hour delay. YESS! aufbliebn Thurs bini nat ürlich longer and lifted ma schätzomativ Doctor Who angschaut. (I remember is easi partners ned) of your favorite series is jez a ane me. In English is hoid wieda moi v ü lustiger. Die spinnen die Briten! Manche folgen san echt gscheid unheimlich.

Jez schreibi grod in da schule, i bin so schlimm. oba i hob nix mehr zum doa.

Am Freitog woa 2-Hour delay. des woa gmiatlich. um 8:30 aufstehn. und jo herumsitzen weili scho fertgi bin. und so. Jo, und da Sean is a kuma. des is jo imma voi die fahrt. do foat ma jo 1,5 - 2 stund. um 8:45 sans kuma. so woa des domois. 

Am samstag, woa i fahrn sled with as Fiona and 2 friends of her .. been of a quite a fun. On the one h sash in Zionsville. i picked kan ghobt sled and I am with hoid schlittn di andan gfoan. Thurs Woan types which you as a si voi aifgfiat and hom ne on-orange jackets and hoods anghabt hom, from the ma griagt eye cancer. The Woan f UR ois zdeppad. Ka anziges moi homsas neatly in h sash obigschoft.
Accurate and i and di Fiona hom us to the conclusion without schlittn obighaut nu. 2moi obigrollt. I is da schnee ind jackn einigfoin und i hob dann mei gesamte r ückseitn nimma gspiat. ois taub. dann hamma nu a zeitl woatn miassn aufs obhoin. 
Daham hobi nu 2 stund k älte ausgstrahlt. normalerweis wird di couch woma sitzt jo worm, bei mir is hoib gfroren. mit flauschijacke, flauschisocken und flauschidecke woa ma imma nu koid. Wir hom nu mehr doctor who gschaut. sp äter hobi mit david kalin und sean nu matrix angschaut. jez kenni mi bei dem a bissi bessa aus. I hobs oba ned fertig ansgchaut, weils ma z sp ät woadn is. 

Am Sonntag woa wieda nix los. Am abend hod da david in sean wieda hamgfiat, und so woa des hoid. Am abend hobi ma die letzte gruselige folge von doctor who angschaut.Die wo mitm teufi, des woa scho wild. bei schlafn hobi dann die ganze zeit über so sc h öne sochn wie teufel, in 5 billion years Tues sun explodes, do Brutzel ma olle then, aliens, black l Öcher, and ois wos ned furchtboas in the universe are still wick. woa the very calm, and i can eh scho ned Sun schlofn guad.

Ma so much nu ...
Motags school woa, woa school Tuesday, Wednesday woa woa school hours Thursday and today is friday. I picked up some ma wieda Doctor Who and Family Guy.
Aussadem Homma in history on board to "Save Private Ryan" is a angschaut of war film. Thurs Homma angschaut the part where the Americans to attack the Nazis in Normandy. And write to miassn Homma then wos. Woa the ned of that difficult hobi in study hall and vorgschrieben daham only obschreiben and modify a miassn bissi. English scho is more complicated. Thurs miassma a persuasive paper mochn on a topical issue. i picked up smoking Laws. Thurs miassm keep pretending zettl irgendam with appropriate items to be completed wos it say exactly Thurs and Sun klumpert lauta. oba it Guadeloupe onto di dumb English and again ovements story is that I MI jez less before ana Fachbereichsarbeit f UR Tues Matura. Fiachtn dua i mi vor mathe und m ündlicher matura.

Zwischendruch hobi ma moi Inglourious Basterds angschaut, so sch öner Film. ganz toll. Oba i findn scho cool!


Heute foa i ham, dann muas da sean so zwischendurch a moi obghoit werde. dann ziangma in a hotel und gehn ins kindermuseum in indianapolis des es gr össte Children's Museum is the there, do is a dinosaur in it and a Barbie exhibition. Wos nu ma otherwise mochn wasi ned. Boa hey jez gfreits nimma Wed.

to explain why there blog "Do not Blink" have. For Doctor WHO provides jo heaps monster and aliens. The Weeping Angels. The kinan si move only when looking at neamd Des is a layer of protection when looking at who will stone and san indestructible, and crying because why hasn wennsa si mutual gaze donnn sans forever petrified. Deadlock have the (in English). des is a bissi like a mountain ox. The gaze then a fairly gruselig aus. 

Die Weinenden Engel san a auf Platz 1 der unheimlichsten Monster. (Von wo und wem wasi ned),Worlds-Scariest-Monsters

Jo, danke für ihre Aufmerksamkeit.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cancer Sayings For Shirts

Angry and sad ...

... bin ich, gerade habe ich im WEb gelesen, dass Mirco´s Leiche gefunden wurde und der vermutliche Täter in Haft genommen wurde. Selten ging mir etwas so nahe wie das Verschwinden dieses Kindes und die lange Suche nach ihm, mein Mitgefühl gilt der Familie und Allen, die den Mirco kannten und liebten. Seit September haben wir oft darüber gesprochen und fühlten uns sprach- und hilflos, wenn wir uns das Leid von Mirco und seiner Familie vorgestellt haben.
Seine Familie hat jetzt endlich Gewissheit und der Täter ist gestellt. Was ich nicht begreife-der Mann ist apparently even a father. I hope there is a very harsh verdict, and no way out for this individual (man I can not name it), but I fear his mom used to be nasty to him, he certainly was not in his senses and what resourceful defenders still so all incident and he gets away with a couple of years.
Mirco is forever gone and his family has a life sentence since the disappearance - that grief and suffering. Here
got a 71jähriger which his granddaughters since their sixth and 8 Age of abused 2 years and 9 months in jail - I almost spit my coffee across the table. A travesty and a slap in the face of the victim ...
Germany = Absurdistan

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Long Before You Can Drink After Ativan

re right ...

... in the work. The new year is no longer so new and January is already almost over. I am currently in pre-season and work on this year's Spring soaps. Again, with this our "Linda" with green tea and hemp oil, and in any case, the scented violets "Violetta" with a generous
shock Body Lotion with Melon oil & sea buckthorn oil.

A personal note:

blog love tester,
I'm honored by your interest in my products, but for some time, unfortunately, I observe that Questions and requests for free samples increase more and more. Now and then I take such a request to complete, but currently I have no desire for further inquiries. I ask for understanding!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bright Red Palms And Soles

Erdöpfi + = Zwüfi Erdöpfisolot


Es el dienstago heuto.
Hui Silvester is a scho wieda so lang her. heute is da 18. Jänner und morgen is HALBZEIT!

Jo, eiso i hob grod "Semsterferien". Samstag Sonntag Montag Dienstag. Voi lang und so. Meine Noten san voi ur klass, 4 As, 1 B, und a C+. oba bei soiche deppenfächer is des jo ned schwer für mich, die i jo total kunstbegabt bin. ;)

Am Samstag woas recht cool. Do homma am abend Rockband auf da Wii gspüt, i hob amoi "beat it" gsunga, des woa recht doof, weil des doch relativ hoch woa udn mei stimm imma nu a weng kaputt woa und so is zu 50% goa ka ton aussakuma. Najo oba es woa recht lustig, nochher samma mia kinder am tisch gsessn hom gjausnet und antiwitze erzöht. die hobi großteils ned vastandn. und Klopf-Klopf Witze a. die hoss i. Soiche dummen witze, die san nervig und unlustig und blöd!
Mia ham a über vorurteile diskutiert. wos is typisch österreichisch, deutshc oder amerikanisch. Österreich is a Bergdorf ohne Zivilisation, olle singen und rennan imma in die berg herum. Des mit da Zivilisation is aus da schui. Mi hom ernsthoft a boa gfrogt ob wir internet hom. Do manan einige wir san 30 joa hintn. Di soin si moi anschaun, die.
Späta homma nu eis ghoit. jo donnn woa da spaß vorbei und jeda hod iwos gmocht.

Vom Sonntag liegen momentan kane Aufzeichnungen vor, do...a na moment, genau, i hob jo HÜ ghobt. A Pearl Harbour essay, a concert observation und wir hom a gedicht vortragen miassn do hobi a nu wos schreiben miassn. Eiso die volle gaudn hobi ghobt. ajo und wir ham so a katzenspielzeug des quietscht, und des is kaputt, des haßt es quietscht imma, da sean und i hom 20 minuten braucht bismas endlich zum schweigen brocht hom. wir hams and wand gschmissn, san draufgstampft, homs ganz fest zamquetscht, im endeffekt hod mas nur a bissi auf da seitn drücken miassn damits aufheat. Am abend is da sean dann wieda zruck zum college gfoan, des woa traurig, jez bini wieda großteils einzelkind, weil da david oft nu schloft wenni um 4 von da schui hamkum und dann foata oabeiten.supaa

Montag woa schui, überraschung, des hätt si jez kana docht. Und jo do woa nix. kann mi zumindest ned erinnern. I bin wieda wie a authist beim lunch gsessn, nothing redn seeing, neamd, ESSN and go. Na is a ned so bad:), oba i picked einfoch say for most anything, the band in da san olle into common classes, the Kennan si scho ol long. The speakers on ladders and sochn where i know much about Michel over all ned, and there Kenni oba neamd in meim lunch (there are A, B , and C).

Wos otherwise the individual is wasi nimma Wochntog happened exactly. We did at least more time for Pearl Harbor essay unsa griagt because ma jo gsogt the lecture really ned hom ghobt As Mr. Nolan hod, ma in that lecture instead on Freitog hom concert The observation hobi 2 tog obgebn too late i wiel lazy am.
present on my English poem hobi a A-griagt. I raised in "Erlkönig" submit, in English obwoi oba ned so beautiful is the realese wied German Tues. aussadem swarmed in English sichn only as of: thus, thy and thou. (That is, your, you) GOBT Thurs hod apparently fail to gscheidn ana said if the th-ou-ou jez a y wordn is. NaIO i hobs brocht quite well behind mi, and only on average ghobt nervositätsanfall. I really am Gedichtfan ka oba da Erlkönig is cool. I really do not know of kane andan poems. (Syntax?)
The first three stanzas kanni scho heart.

Jez hobi grod a papierl INDN hamper some skin?

Mim snow is so bright out there imma In large part of meim bini imma tag in the dark part of school where either nowhere window oda san olle the blinds down here and hom Wennie then go to english, i kum over with so windows and then imma do is so bright that ma eyes hurt Tues dan .

Hm nu wos? hobi iwöche gschaut filme, na Oba "Top Gear" hobi ma some angschaut on Netflix. The most watched show ever. Here again a small sample. I'm back moi glegn on the ground.

Jo Sun woa the domois. Then woa weekend. On Saturday woa i have breakfast with da Mara. i mi in characterizing soiche from Cafe-ned things in general. especially me Kuman Thurs olle imma Sun unfreindlich before. And waiters never Gibts sowiso. NaIO even at steak'n shake and Perkins and the pizzeria in chicago ...
uh exactly Homma, and do just as chats and donn hamgfiat HODS Wed The hom ol such cool cars! mahaa
samma evening in the mall gfoan and Elli hod at last two ear holes. jez kanni a mom because her ohrringerl boid einidoa and so a very large rings that fit a voi so kind to me.

Sunday hobi mi in meim hidden room, because it is kuma FBI and gforgt hod for illlegale immigrants from Austria. Oba of hod si then eh ois informed. ... Des woa jez a joke. The true ned. Ha Ha Ha. lolololololololololololololololololololololololol ... rofl ... roflcopter ... * Joke *

On Monday woa ma brunch uh .. . Shopping jo wos Thurs hobi hoid buys it is always in papa goed. and THEN! jo samma then the target, hom secret ingredients and buys gfoan san ham.

AND DAAAANNNNNNNNNN !!!!!! hobi gmocht schintzel. with erdöpfi. and Solot with zwüfi. i picked up a ZVUE bissi erdöpfi gmocht, so san 7 on bliebn. out of it at my suggestion dassma erdöpfisolot mochn, was rejected by a general enthusiasm. the mog in meina Canadian family. Soiche spinner, the Kennan as jo oma elnig erdöpfisolot ned. Des hobi erna a vorghoidn hod david and there on it gsogt that of a was pretty scary to know if there würdn oma elnig erdöpfisolot tätn. :) jo schnitzel kennans jez a, i hob ein für allemal klar gmocht dass ma NICHT schnitzel with noodles isst. Do hod die Julie Andrews zwar recht fesch gsungen oba des is trotzdem sehr foisch!

Heute woa i allein, weil nur schüler freihom und nicht der hart arbeitende durchschnittsbürger und do hobi ma Dr. House angshcaut und dann Inglourious Basterds. Du so schön, der muas jo ois Ami recht anstrengend zum schaun sein, weils jo so vü deitsch redn und do muas ma dauernd untertitel lesn. aussadem kumt französisch a ned zu kurz. Im großen und ganzen wird glaubi mehr Französisch und deutsch gredt ois englisch.
Am abend woan so scouts do, di hom so a meeting ghobt. Jo jez bini glaubi fertig.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Installing Handlebar Sportster

Uh ... Teifi

er Teifi because ma jez grod einfoit dassi jo unit neichn want mochn blog. FAIL
well wos sucked my iPod 'bout the events? Where's einglich my iPod? Ah do, ok, lets begin:

na oisdonn on freitog woa I said Silvester. We did our Doctor Who angschaut, glaubi. To 11:57 Homma umgschoit to New York because jo do is the familiar ball obisinkt the ever until then ankumt on the ground. Jez ned is the best description, so here in fesches BILDI: and to the nu of time square, wos on new years eve nimma Sun chillig is as usual BADUMM DISCH!
at Farmville also available!

Des deppade conditions losst Mi Ned bueda crevice of the 2 side by side, Eiso mochis jez each other. SO!
jo then Homma sprudelign juice drunk non-alcoholic. We Woan imma nu ol bissi a bad beinand., It went on down the hill. Bissi A cough here, Some do and groan so on. gmocht

On saturday, jo Thurs Homma SoWoS oages that ma after us missed a brainwashing ham and therefore wasi nimma wos woa, because i only gfundn to slip, raised on the brain meim BickT is where draufgstandn is: You have been brain washed. Thanks for understanding!

Sunday hobi Wed mentally prepared to Monday because do, the shui wieda losgangen is. Because my grandma jo the 3? Soundtrack hod paid to the hobi ma voi ma hobi einizogn and then in film and dazua angschaut hobi donn nu ma 2nd angschaut. Wemma in film knows so guad, alla soundtrack is scho horn like gaze, voi cool. (I ka expect approval because i am the only one on anyway, and the three soundtracks? Is)!
Ajo, my bed hobi adjusted wos andas kamma in the carpet with a ned zwutschkizimmer really move. woa scho gnuag exhausting. After that is the same ma better addressed, just in general. I need hi and do a change in room meim kamma and so even the open door completely. The current sockets and heating situation is indeed optimal care less ned oba des is ma.
From cough is a sickness and loss of voice over bliebn. for ibuprofen hobi 5-6 eingschmissn, a cough candy and still Heiti. ;) On

Monday - ur-class - some refer to our website, get up at 7, ind shui, and wieda INDN wochnryhtmus. Mei agree iwoa imma nu as non-existent, Eiso sing woa ned. I am a aufgstandn hoid and raised either in mouth moves oda gschaut air deppad ind.
Since jo Mrs. Jared terminated the hod, Homma a representative and as a ma nothing more to ham doa, damma einfoch nothing. I picked Chuet and kreizweh griagt and mi like imma three moi oda Sun gstromt the chair. Study hall woa ned vii quite productive, that is exactly goa ned. :)
In Electronic Music Homma Leida nix spün derfn sondan only gmocht theory, namely, how ma ... Eh .. i was ned as the moment in German hates .... aha. Sign, or key signature hoid. Jo is the i scho right guad, jez. I remember is easi nu, note how i ma imma Thurs before each cross gschrieben picked it because of the difficult woa ma. Ahio domois ...
In English Homma angfangt with poetry. YAY aweffff ... some! In history woa Pearl Harbour Week. Des is es Lieblingsthema vom Mr. Nolan. Fürn Freitag woa a Vrotrag von am Überlebenden von Pearl Harbour geplant und dazu a Essay. In Digital Design hobi wieda chüt und internet puzzle gmocht.

Daham hobi Super Mario und Yoshi auf da X-Box gspüt und wieder moi total versagt, i werdiwie mit jedem mal schlechter. Es Packerl vom Siegi is ankuma. Der 3. und 4. teil der 5-teiligen Trilogie vom Douglas Adams. (Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis) Ausserdem a Kabarett vom Mike Supancic, es is findi recht lustig oba natürlich nicht so guad wie da Josef Hader. (keiner, KEINER is so gut wie da Josef Hader!) 
Dann samma klettern gfoan. Hom wieda total schräge David-Musik gheat. Daham hom David and Sean gschimpft griagt because the X-Box ned weggramt hom and Michele gwusst hod ned as ma pocketing the Wii. Des woa since Monday!

On Tuesday in da bini Frua aufgwocht and lifted Wed gwundert same moi. I lifted the hoa ma namely the schlafn zambundn am aufgwocht, OFFN hoa. Supa another hair tie to someone else. Then in the Bod gmerkt hobi that hair on rubber wrist meim woa. Mussi of the Schlof somehow my wrist again hoa griagt hom Oba moch i jo scho imma funny Sachn in the castle. to avoid importing put chat, mi clockwise. MI complete turn around so that i lie with the fiass cheer cushion. Jojo, Elena.

In Chor homma uns es Video vom Holiday Concert angschaut. Die Qualität und Zoomfähigkeit von der Kamera oa erschreckend guad, die hod uns olle voi erwischt, oba es woa für jedn a weng peinlich, des gleicht si aus. 
In Photography und Study Hall hobi Sudoku gmocht und glesn. Sonst woa nix spannendes los in da Schui.

Daham is ma durch irgendwos auf amoi "Der kleine Prinz" eingfoin, und dass i des amoi auf kassette ghobt hob. Eiso hobi mas von Youtube ghoitund zum hörn angfangt, es is ka sehr lustige geschichte oba sie is sehr schön und a traurig. Ausserdem hobi ma a Ö3 , Kronehit und FM4 app fürn iPod obaglodn. I hob ma a moi angschaut wos grod so die neuen Hits san daham. In Ö3 woa then A podcast here with outtakes. Thurs hod ma gfoin best: "... in the Gulf of Mexico oil-contaminated .."

There are some families in our favorite series. How I Met Your Mother, Doctor Who and Top Gear. Gives us the way, ol a. Unfortunately sans ned to German far so funny. Top Gear is probably the least known, is of a British car show. Incidentally, the most watched in the world. A bissi like Mythbusters only accessible by cars and ned so scientifically. The GEBN money to Haufn from the cars and a wos imma brauchn and a mochn always haufn sochn broken. For example, the sans moi Letzner (the three presenters) with ridiculous caravans herumgfoan, and gmocht hom stupid challenges. Finally, with so klippn Woan, diesd in england eh überoi find. Since Jeremy is a ganga ice and the two andan HOLN woa fad. Eiso homs in car jeremy was very close to the crevice of klippn Voin and the hom Bremsnes nimma caught me now. In nächstn moment siagt ma in Jeremy Gmiatliche was ESSN ice and in the background ma siagt was obifoin klippn the car. Upsi! : D

The Li hod ma jo a 2 gschickt songs, You've Got A Friend by McFly and Count on Me by Bruno Mars. You've got a friend fongt So on with ana flute and guitar and heat si like so a kitschy charm children's series intro. Word of spontaneous wos ma Thurs eingfoin is: Zuckerzwetschkenglücksbärchiland. Zuckerzwetschke deswegn because of the translation of "Sugar Plum Fairy" from the Nutcracker is. Ma care bear is einfoch met recently iwo, namely, that gives Thurs a.

On Wednesday Homma ghobt in choir and representation to us on film by "Rockapella concert angschaut. Woa soo high, Some disturbing, at least on down the beat boxer is cool.

woa wieda nothing else going on, daham losgwesn schätzomativ is a nix bsonders. Daham hod since Sean wieda moi gspüt Legend of Zelda und si irrsinnig aufgregt weil des jo vü zu schwer is. Da David hod gfundn dass da Sean ziemlcih schlecht spüt grod nebenbei gfrühstückt. (um 4 am nochmittag) des haßt er hod wieda moi die hoibe packung cornflakes aufgessn. nu dazua MEINE chocochips. Wir ham 3 packungen cheerios oba er isst meine chochips. Najo so is des mit Brüder. :D I dua eh nur am wochnend frühstücken.

Am Donnerstag, hamma in chor wieder vertretung ghobt, diesmoi die schlimmste die ma hom kann weils einfoch a total undguada mensch is. wieda roackapella angschaut, numoi fost von vorn weil am mittwoch kein schwein aufpasst hod.
In Photography hod uns a andare Lehrerin aufgebn dass ma an Druck von die "Holiday-Color" Photos soin mochn and color it with crayon. The skin gaanz supa down, you! Insane klass
In EM Homma to test klan ghobt of musical terms. the san jo mostly Italian. hamma history in our part of the movie "Pearl Harbour" angschaut where amis werdn attacked. In Digital Design hom GEBN us the other art teacher ois task that ma mochn us a business card with the ma iwos like mochn (piano) and so .
[Jez hobi moi first consider how the word hate. napkins, Siviter, versit verisiten,? map]

Daham hobi mim Sean aussighaut in Christbam. In the evening we Homma angschaut the sorcerer's apprentice, is the last glaubi joa aussakuma, mim Nicholas Cage and Jay Baruchel.

Today Freitog is, in choir is to sing better addressed oba scho ned really ideal woas. Mir is a aufgfoin that gets worse vii ma songs by heart wemma ned to sing along. I like soi for your Sound of Music to learn by heart when i can sing ned. In the history lecture wordn from Pearl harbor human is really ned wos because erm ned very guad ganga is, namely, is the 90th scho As comments from Mr. Nolan: He's fine, he just feels terrible.

Jez this already, tired girl, buba. :)
ronfffff * * [hobi from the Donald Duck comic, as a French goose schloft permanently and ceases to be si Snorkel at]

  • 1 thing i mog ned, it sogn imma olle "See you later". This is the first siag wieda on nächstn tog, the mogi ned, awakened hopes of intangible assets. Mo:)

So Long, Farewell, Goodbye, Good Night!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Milena And Nadine At Work

The streets are icy,

the car wrapped in an ice sheet - and I come out not because it's raining from the sky and when it hits the ground, gives the bare ice! We do not have any plus degrees, this morning were still -5 degrees and so is walking and driving a dangerous game skid. My dear colleague, steps in for me and I am very grateful. Currently it is snowing for a change, and the temperature has now highly tormented at + 0.5 degrees.
Well, I enjoy a day off, the kitchen cabinet would have to be cleared for some time wash, I have to - oh, I think I already find employment ...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lavender And Sage Shower Curtain

New Year walk

the Baltic

the idea with on the beach, not only did we ...

Jette and Jack - the King of Thule

Jack very carefully

is behind the fence the way, otherwise a garden where the snow piles up now

Susie keeps fresh air is overpriced, so the skeptical view ....
We are well into our circle of friends slipped into the new year around the head and air out (and distribute the cat ...) we went to the dogs gang into winter wonderland. After a short rope to New Year's Eve, the temperatures went up again properly, and the snow crusted very good cross-country was now possible through the drifts rather than laboriously through ...