Monday, February 28, 2011

Collection Letter Dor Dental

Paul Mole RULES!

Ä ö ü

Today is friday and i picked up a neich blog-technology ideas. I read every tog happened wos and stores and to publish a boa tag kani then ois. Ma i am so awesome!

Today is Friday of the notice that it ma alla scho ol on Facebook talking about the drink. Voi English is stupid. the gfreit Wed goa ned nullo. It spins in Electronic Music program sound so easy if all instruments such as violin jez a. Booyah!

Because i raised since fiona borrow my iPod and thus in a Study Hall without acoustic sound woa, wos Wed completely out as ground gworfn hod because i every 10 minutes iwos gaze doa Woit mim iPod clock eg CG solution, hean music, internet behold, doodle jump spün, jo lifted so in meim new college block a list angfangt in the i ol man picked the mark aufgschrieben i. Until jez hobi 217th Oba des is ned so easily wen ma Sogn "knows." Oba ned i give up!

I picked nu gmocht to flauschball in Photography. jez mochi nothing more.

Today Saturday, the sun shines, and i my room on spatial. namely the woa scho a badly needed. It is Gwand jez in Kastl as Bodner is sauggestaubt freely. Thurs foit me immediately so that the KLA is actually goa, Ned. the cabinet door hobi a "repaired", a einfoch moi boa drauftretn and then adjusts the scho jez immerin HERE bessa ois before. rollo the work of Ned Leida because zrissene schnürdln comb ned zamtretetn again. The dust is jez a reduction is not negligible.
i wos lifted gmocht nu is little things, photos and sticker reinbicken buchi in one, so looks nice. I was why i jo cinema, football and theater tickets Unmark. The hobi Thurs jez einibickt stylish.

hobi Today finally it ohrringerl medical aussadoa deafn and raised there mama iare einidoa. do is the same as ma obigfoin cap and i am 5 minutes on glegn Bodner and hobs ned gfundn then obigschaut hobi Durcan desk top and Gseng Dasser Glandt very stupid on the Buache wos ma is from below siagt fost ned. jez is wieda do and Francois is in order.

My bulbs gwechselt hobi a san because that is considered 3 of 4 nimma nothing at all and i Gseng lifted. ane is the same two samma entgegengebröselt jack in da bliem, do hobi then herumgwerkelt deppad to finally fit hod. Jez hobi daylight in the room. brighter than ever before. jez brauchi Mi a nimma ashamed wos Thu Sun horse collar "to light". (Ha ha ha pun)

fine ghobt Sunday hobi at least in plan, namely hod Wed host families since Amy Montgomery obghoid, di is found by AFS and Duat. The woa ois exchange student in Austria and a hod scho moi a Viennese Thurs ghobt and talks a German. Jo and since library woa then A International recently and i am Thu Sun GWES in IHRM AFS stood and lifted my ghobt own sign out elena it says girll and i picked it up cookbook, my salzkammergut books, brochures and the panorama Christmas cards from there mitghobt oma. The map hod the children gfoin especially delighted Woan. gsessn
Thurs samma hoid 2 hour, moi hom herumgschaut informed Undso. Then samma her gfoan and hom GEJAUSNET! the hod three children. Twins, Charlie and Maggie, 9, and Joseph, 7
san olle The total Gscheid spün and piano. And the really guad san. which in Hobi klavierspün zuagschaut then Homma gspüt barbie. and it hesitates and jo ma house homs of heat si jez iwie little of total hom we oba jo ois gmocht over a longer period. Valentine's Day boxes homs a gmocht, exactly.

Then word and jez bini hamgfiat moch i nothing more.

on Tuesday is expected guad ma ned, do hobi Wed nochm lunch places to go and then hamgfoan bini. there gschlofn hobi then. And in Frua though quite up there by 8. On Wednesday woas wieda bessa Thurs hobi gfernset and banana yogurt Gessner, when i wos ondas'd probably gespeibst. On the evening is then CAITLYN mim andi kuma and Woan then so do and such. * * Do frohi Homma top gear of the woa gschaut so funny, because top gear is einfoch supa!

schlofn At 10 bini addressed eingschlofn bini wieda totally soon, namely hoib 12th I can actually sleep nimma. . (

well on Thursday woa wieda all gone Thurs bini wieda ind shui, eh lifted missed nothing important only in english cares Wed goa ned, deppade be the center of the soi 4-5 pages long.. is again a moi!
fetzngaude home Woan the nu Caitlyn, as David and as andy do, then on down the san boid gfoan respectively in sean from bloomington obghoit ham.'ve integrated a few of the ham Cumulative alllllllll san da! full house. and the a beautiful sun seems voi.

unit (Freitog) Homma aussadem fire alarm test ghobt, wieda moi. do San burns a boa Leida because the sun and light ned gwohnte san (ned wengam fire, woa jo goa kans). Me burns away HODS 15% vision. ois i was nu ned gnuag shortsighted. Kumt
Des hoid wemma in this day in ganzn to eingsperrt is concrete block, and also (voi jo wos stupid is): Olle teacher miassn the blinds down here hom to save energy. It is of the ned have only very cold in winter because the heating to a maximum of 18 ° aufdrahn and dark is a intangible. As there the uncivilized that we create the mountain farmers in Austria that ma heat-proof windows, and the U.S. mochn ned. moi think, huh. : D

So far so good, in the choir we hod Mrs. Broge the can vorgsungen highest note this, a high e. 3 octaves and 3 tones can sing. I created two octaves and 2 tones oda Sun where i ned all Sicha whether some ma ois squeak or soi categorize sing.

Between Friday the 18th and now nothing hobi gschriem because of ma wenns lesne zviel oabeit is only 5 conductors.
Saturday woama voi einkaufn, in da mall And although at Forever21 and Macy's and SoWoS hoid. and I foit grod on that at all ma ned nor shoes gschaut hom madness. ajo and after woama nu at Old Navy, do hobi meistn on purchases. Daham homs Roast Beef and gmocht aufgessn because ma zspät Woan homs ois. For 7 leit hams and cooked ois four of homs Allane aufgfressn. Such pigs. :)

woa On Monday President's Day = free. I was nimma wos ma gmocht hom, except that free woa.

On Tuesday woa wieda school and i believe that it raised sondan Persuasive Paper scho is due, woas oba ned until friday. Luckily! Aussadem lesma in English Huckleberry Finn. Eiso the others, i ned. because i scho gnuag stress raised with meim persuasive paper anyway, and general school-reading boycott. (Ma writes of the way?) On

Wednesday woa and school, and i lifted surprise test on MLA Show it mochn miassn, Weili jo last wochn ned do woa am mittwoch. True or False. I woa so guad vorbereitet dass i jede frage geraten hob. Des muas ma ollerdings dzu sogn dass die andan des  MLA scho seit da 3. klass lernen. Und wir des goa ned hom. Wir werden sehn wie guad i im raten bin. Im schätzen bini jedenfois sauschlecht.

Am Donnerstag woa die Fiona ned do. Des woa natürlich tragisch. 
Mein study guide in geschichte hobi fertig gmocht fürs quiz am freitag. \
Am abend hods zum schneien angfangt. Des hod mi nicht gefreut, weil wenns im februar moi a bissi frühlingshaft is, dann hobi scho gnuag vom winter und wü unbedingt frühling ham. Aussadem hobi mei persuasive paper weida gschriem. wordn Oba finished bini ned, oba of woama then damn, i lifted Wed einfoch mentally prepared on it that i called at Mr. Kartholl that i need more time because of that hard is.

angruafn On Friday at 6 hod the shui: 2 hour delay. I ma raised in alarm clock on gstellt hoib 9 and picked weita gemützt. At 8 am bini and then aufgwocht aufbliebn. 5 minutes later, the hod shui wieda angruafn: Snow Day! Woa the total, because of you, first class as long weekend is, and aussadem that PP is due until Monday. Random Gibts ned ois gheat says Wieser is! Moi again proved.

Sunday hobi the ma Angschaut Oscars, and as David hod peer edits gmocht for PP. Then FINALLY hobi ghobt ois. Thurs woa i so glad i picked this posted on Facebook, "Ode to Joy". Because i oba ka ma version finding it the imposing gnuag woa, posted hobi the Muppet version.

and ois special treat hobi dazua gschriebn: "Please make aufn text!" hahahahaha rofl lololololol * *
Aussadem herumglegn bini then nu hoib to 4 and raised ned schlofn kina.Hoffentlich is the heid ned wieda Sun NaIO warm, milky drink with honey and wait. Interestingly, bini goa ned oba tired. Perhaps soit moi i try to sleep without . Live Only hobi ma never wos to doa. I try kinnt: 1 Nocht aufbeleiben then sleep Nocht a, alternately hoid.

Jez is Monday. Today hod since grandpa's birthday.


an interactive leckerschmecker Esterhasi cake (jo i was writing the ma ned above)

  • track to me is bland-looking and therefore grod i ma in digital design pauli Mole Videos.
  • i lose German words. mark in English is ned and what is nimma Deitsch, the is a problem.
  • i picked up on Saturday milchreis gmocht hamham
  • i mog van Gogh in his pictures
  • the reason why the top three drie umlaute stand, is because i read in da school and then i einfoch just copy and paste and auffimuss. Sun einfoch is des and let i jez einfoch So to stand decoration moi.
  • something from the Muppets. The animal rules too! MAMAAAAAA
  • ajo and fois the ned is generally understood to have been. Everyone needs to evaluate, or he is haunted by the weeping angels and mangled.

Thank you for your attention, or not. :) Buba


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