Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What To Say When Applying For Dental Nurse

New York New York 1.0 2.0

ok, further to the text with a greater motivation bissi # ! (And ana diamond?)

Thursday is otherwise nimma SOVU happened Aussa football.

aufgstandn On Friday at 8 samma SoWoS and tram station and thence to NYC! : DDD
Amgekommen in as Grand Central Station, woa schomoi WOFFFF ... huge, with christmas decorations und an da decke sternbilder, sehr schön. und warm.
Dann aussi, hochhäuser wo ma hinschaut den ersten eindruck von so ana großstadt kann ma ned wirklich beschreiben. wir san dann jedenfalls nach links abbogen und zielstrebig zum rockefeller marschiert. unterwegs hob i natürlcih gschaut und gschaut, weils einfoch so toll is. die Taxis, die brezel und würstel und wasiwosnu-verkäufer, die werbung, die menschen... :)
Vrom rockefeller center woa da riesen christbaum, a eislaufplatz, weihnachtsdeko. Und es san überall so Leute mit rot#grünem (die raute hat wieder zugeschlagen) gwand gwesen die mit glocken gebi´mmelt ham und getanzt und so damit ma in weihnachtsstimmung kommt, des muss a cooler job sei. :)
Dann samma rauf ins Rockefeller center ham oben den tollen ausblivk rundherum genosse, obwois a bissi neblig war und ma dementsprechend ned so tolle sicht ghabt hat. und die Freiheitsstatue hod wiinzig ausgschaut.

Nachm Center samma durchn central park zum natural history museum spaziert. Im Park war so a Statue von am Typ auf am Pferd, und des is so: Wenn es Pferd 1 fuß in da luft hod is der typ an kriegsverletzungen gstorbn, wenns 2 füß in da luft hod, isa im krieg gstorbn, und wenns alle 4 in da luft hod,.. ja dann hats die die gesetze der schwerkraft überwunden. :D

im museum is furchtbar zugangen. wir ham uns di dinos angschaut, then space recently, (i want it) do woa then A big bang theater. the woa cool. Thurs woa in the middle as this a huge dent in the bottom of the gstandn woa da screen and around which it woa san olle and quite dark. hamma nu then the giant Wal angschaut the middle of the room depends. Toll des woa really great!

nachm museum samma nu addressed to Time Square, do woa i wos los called you. Erstns moi all advertising and lighter and generally go there wos bildshcirme and registered, the ganzn conductive and have recently given us the cds Andréhn Voin so si si bissi a moor known. cool! :) Woa aussadem Black friday, wos originally mim stock market crash on Wall Street since 1929 doa hod, oba today is of a colle jug shopping day. The people of di san gschäfte only aussigequollen Sun i picked up at the street Standl ma nu a NEW YORK CITY sweater and buys woa so happy, it is gone from home. woama tired of course, to di 3blasen feet. Upper woa it very cool.

Saturday simma a wieda soon aufgstandn, Gessner ham bagel (the san as semmerlin donut form) and then gfoan samma wieda to NY and ferry to Staten Iceland with ana. Wiema ausm auto gstiegen san HODS us verwachelt fost, voi da wind, and as Kevin glöst hod park tickets and his aufghobt hat and then is a zetterl weggflogn and since sean is nochgrennt and then is in kevin weggflogn da hat and da david is in nochgrennt hat and i am on glegn Bodner and raised glocht. : D * ROFL * lolololololololololololol

ferry From there, the Statue of Liberty hod ma pretty good Gseng. a hoibe Foan stood, get a hoibe woatn stood, back to di same ferry and Something Going Foan. Then samma 3 gfoan moi UMDNS same block. To samma before a three scho moi heurmgfoan zua orientation .. :) And then samma on to the next family event on Long Iceland.
gfoan samma go to the beach, so i can see it by the sea, and I sehrgfalln HODS of course, because so beautiful and i woa woa nu never at the beach when cold is! then we hamma olle in sand from the shoes and san gleert weitergfoan.
it football-playing family hamma sadly missed, but it wos hod for ESSN GEBN to automatischn dustbin of ridiculously huge tv, and all related vii. Of course some ham again gschaut constantly football, a family photo HODS GEBN, child oba only because inen generation, Eiso cousins / and their children.
later samma nu to ana andan tante gfoan, there gmocht hobi sudoku drunk tea, and chatting, and then away samma.

heimgfoan samma On Sunday at 6:30. breakfast at dunkin donuts, at the beginning hamma gschlafn. i ned, i picked 3 ghört question mark. i only believe that Sean is the hod hod gschlofn ghobt namely the back seat. späta hod da david griagt the back seat and i picked ma mim sean monster AG angschaut ready, then Stardust, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and finally Kung Fu Hustle. Woa because of the stupid movie i ever Gseng lifted! :) In between woama Gessner at olive garden and hom nudeli and salad. weggfoan at 6:30 AM and arrive at 8:30 PM samma samma daheimm. 14 hours woama unexpected path, and so on down to the breaks woas less.
home Homma nu gfernset and ready.

aufgwocht bini On Monday at 5:50 and picked it wick is 6:50 and i MUAs in 10 minutes get up and lifted gwundert Wed why there sean nu do is because the woitn jo Foan by 6. hobi then checked that i picked nu 1 hour. i am nu aufgwocht then at 6:20, 6:33, 6:49 and 7:00 because i scho so ready woa:). School woa nix glaubi Aussa that i my photo project again raised moi mitghobt ned. : D

Today hobi 5, 6 holiday concert preview ghobt stood, and from 3:30 to 4:30 nu. 500 people on stage is definitely ana ZVUE, so i stand on principle but on stage as a ned TO iwo Pages on there. YAY: (at least only for the song to the next song however Mussi olle aussileitn, and gfoit ma goa ned möö From that school hod Tues Wed Kalin obghoit otherwise hod Keina time, and then the hod ma inspiration MeIm at... . fotoprojekt GEBN it gmocht must be a series and they gsogt hod i can jo photograph mugs hobi a states that "Mugs with Nuts":)
finally bini, done jez Mussi nu the last Christmas and constructed tomorrow hobi 3 : 30 PM for up to about 9 pm you class!

Ok Bonus:
- No one writes with füllfern and ink killer Kennan ned amoi
- there are at bird is called "schlankschnabelbülbül"

more extras hobi grod ned, Eiso



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