Monday, November 1, 2010

How Can I Change Batman Arkham Asylum Language ?



Jo Sun woa of the time. Last posting on 21 October. Friday gfahrn samma then to Bloomington and ham in Sean abgholt from college. On Saturday hamma so far nothing gmacht, oda i hobs scho wieda vagessn .. ajo i did with da Michele pajamas purchased. (1 with halloween pumpkins, one with skulls) and i habma a as a sheet metal drinking bottle bought, i think neddassma can call the thermos. On Sunday ... what ia scho nimma. I was that ma us Doctor Who angschaut ham. Weird thing. now it is 11th UMDNS Doctor. The series since 1963 because as a Doctor is alien, with 2 of the die when the heart is simply assumed a new shape. Therefore the series can be as long. Was a scary bissi aba funny.

Monday and Tuesday was Fall Break, because completed 9 weeks. On Monday
Warma at IKEA and ham buys klan desk and a lamp for me. and sin, we go fahrn hours only 2 because the input is exactly mirrored in Linz, the Kötbullar Lush with puree with Kartofferl. Pffff

On Tuesday aufgweckt bini wordn of sirens, the was beautiful. 've gwusst ned why hobs window aufgmacht Weil was so warm and I am hair dye gone to the bathroom, then hod losglegt to Fetzner amol a storm and i got wick: Shit window open! I picked up can moor Weili jo ned MITTNER under hair dye ned can stop the color goes out jo anywhere. hobi hoid ready ind gschmiert hair, and then zugmacht habi window. Too late, however it half the room was beautiful wet. :) Nothing important to happiness. The laptop was on his bed, thank God ned space under the window but on the rolling table nemam. Ghobt luck! The darker hair sin wick wordn as i lifted up, not very red. I haba bissi anpatzt Pyjamaleiberl it with color, jez i shu from ois'd obgstochn i wen. Wiezig
Jo because David has been a later gsogt tornado warning (It is always wieziger). As the grandmother has so aptly summarized: Tornado Warning !!!!! ! Elena and the power windows go up and shower ...
the evening then habi festgstellt dassma jo ham on Friday in a 1912 story Teaparty. I was as WEB du Bois. (Web sogn duad ma ned düboa but dabbeljuibi dubois).

On Wednesday woa then wieda school, crazy top, du Na is eh ned bad oba free is alwayz better. Although the warning only 3 days of mea oba's warning this stressful. I hod still lacking a photo project because i ned wed thu raised familiar. I've just irgendwos then photographed. Then hobi mitgriagt that project sin the other olle a NOR on. Very great!

On Thursday it must Suchner habi Gwand the i can get dressed as WEB, oba i have also need more research. pfuuh .... On Friday wari then at teaparty ned as talkative as i got too many topics gfundn simply nothing. Nechsteste of the photo project was due on Monday, habi ghabt a ned, a non-productive back-hour photography. . (Then at last weekend We did have pumpkins gecarvt I have a pumpkin gmacht Mister Wilson, as a tribute to Y-Titty (Youtube channel knows jez si probably not from humans)

bought on Saturday hamma then A costume.. on "USA's Halloween Planet" is actually a paradox is what ausgsucht can GEBN Weil kan PalNet in USA! I've ma a witch costume, but i did ned soo viel auswahl ghabt weil so ziemlich alle Kostüme, wie solli sagen, relativ "freizügig" warn. Am Abend habi ma "der Aufschneider" angschaut, und wieder moi bestätigt da Hader is da beste Kabarettist, und Schauspieler Österreicher. A wenner irsinnig unfreindlich sein mog.

Sonntag wari mit da Carly, iara Schwester und Eltern in da Kirche, ma soll alles mal ausprobieren. Die san alle so lieb, wirklich.
In da Kirche wars naja. Es singen war ganz nett, i hab aber ned mitgsungen. Die Predigt und so hod ma nur wieder mal bestätigt, dass ich nicht mit dem einverstanden bin was der sagt. Najo
Nachher warma noch lunchen, und des war auch recht lustig. Die Mama von da Carly is auch so ein Liebi wie die Carly. Dann hams mi heimbracht in iam Hausgroßen Großfamilienauto, (6 Kinder) mit Fernseher. Wir ham uns Friends angschaut. Der fernseher lasst sich dadurch erklären dassma auf ana Autofahrt zu sagma Oma und Opa die womöglich 24 stunden entfernt wohnen, irgendwie 6 raunzende Kinder unterhalten muss. Die Carly is die jüngste, eiso des Problem gibts eh nimma. Am Abend hams mich wieder abgholt zum Trick or Treaten. Wir ham ganz viel Candy abgstaubt. I mag Halloween.

Heute Montag, in Photography habi festgstellt, dass nicht es Projekt heute fällig war sondern nur die Fotos, und die habi ghabt. Jez weißi a wieso si des ned bis freitag ausgangen is. Da hätt is dann vor alle andern ghabt und nur blöd stress. Tja Zufall gibts eben not goi Papa! : D

Sun jez I am at home, as when David and Kalin, music hamma ghört, stop-motion videos and jez angschaut damma Jausner. It is beautiful life.

- time change is not until next week at our
- was when Kiddy Contest one from as BEA
- Kick-Ass is a cool film
- The Prodigy san cool
- The Forum Walters also
- On Friday schreegnets perhaps
- my room looks
- Since battery is the same empty

Finally done, buba:)


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