Friday, December 31, 2010

Cook Brownies In Cookie Cutters


simma and then to the movies ...
ok a nervous breakdown later. Interestingly, it thinks my blog is of 29.12., 08:41.

Well, we ham us TRON angschaut, woa outstanding ned, oba in order. Gschneiberlt HODS aa bissi, and at home HODS smelt eat after. The hod si still about half eina gändert hours because lighting Thurs eat ham, gentle wieda, ned oba bad gstunken HODS hoid wieda. Nachm parents eat Homma us again scho angschaut Inception because nu imma ned any Gseng hod, and then san olle noch da reihe obghaut, weil jo nur die kinder im omaopa-haus bliebn san.

In da frua san dann olle restlichen obgreist, und wir hom uns die Niagara-Fälle angschaut. i hob imma docht die san iwo in da Wildnis, daweil san die praktisch mitten in Buffalo im Niagara-Fluss. Auf da anderen Seite vom Fluss is Kanada und do is a da bekanntere Teil vom Niagara-Fall. I hob sogar fotos von Kanada gmocht! :)
I hob scho die ganze Zeit herumgehustet und da Sean hod dann a scho angfangt. Gschlofn hobi ned recht guad weil ma so haß woa.

Am Montag samma heimgfoan, hom uns im Auto Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde, Radio Rock Revolution und Die Mumie 2 angschaut. Des woa ein recht ein Spass und daham homma nur mehr chüt. I picked ned rehct gschlofn good because i picked up a fever on and griagt Dienstog woa i so out that i actually raised in gschlofn ganzn Tog only.
Wednesday and a Donnerstog samma herumghängt only because in the end ma san olle wordn ill.

Today is New Year's Eve, we ham voi buys vii Klumpert at the target, set ol 27 cash worn, i picked skyping with Gabi, grandma and baby Kilian. soeinsüsesbebibebibebi
there is cheesecake, and it flaschelt out right, because 13 ° C hod. Not a Fuzerl snow is gone.
BÄM Watschn Something Going on Global Warming:)

new & old stuff from 2010 that I like:

Obststückerl, soiche available from us a, at the Mercury. Schmacki!
♥ brothers
How I Met Your Mother
Baby Kilian
Reese's Puffs
♥ hair tie
♥ Austria
♥ Baby Kilian
♥ strawberry cheesecake
♥ Josef Hader
♥ Baby Kilian
Hurts ♥ ♥
The three?

What else special?
  • of the word "Teddy" bear comes from Theodore Roosevelt, 26 President of the United States. Nickname Teddy, who knows the ned is looking Night at the Museum of.
  • Inception is really a film Guada
  • Michele, Sean and David ham ADHD (attention deficit syndrome)
  • I feel the same as battery from
  • Bussi!
  • WARNING! jez is loud. Big letters mean I scream!




wü complaints i hear absolutely kane, otherwise bleibi do! hm doofes still one of me, SO: residue in

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Man Wear Panties


grüßi Jo, i am pretty a bissi, and unmotivated honest gsagt a bissi.

Eiso last entry was at 17, today is da 29th wos is happening? woa wos up? woa like Christmas?

I forget wasi nu raised in Packerl from mama and papa woa a nu a book, "Carp dispute.
Des is very funny and practical verorscht Austrians and Christmas, and how these two just get along with each other. Thurs are the three Christmas crises, one before, too, and after Christmas. The types of Christmas tree buyers and Vanillekipferlesser. text passages Christmas controversy and finally a guide for Christmas songs, such as (i must take the word jez einfoch) is most difficult, obs is tricky and so on. Very wiezig. i hobs glesne 2.5 moi.

On Friday woa just school , and since Sean woa scho do, and we forget ham pineapple. Hod of the oba quite painful because tan is particularly sour pineapple out right to the edge. I then even hod scho Tues angfangt tongue to bleed, do hobi gsogt then, you thought i it is enough for today. Jop been the Sun domols. The next tog Homma buys and i picked up a half kilo ma frozen fruit purchases, pineapple, strawberries and mango. the dua i alwayz in di microwave before.

On Monday woa i eat since Carly at Christmas dinner. Thurs hobi then A snow globe where Silent Night stands on it, because of the jo is a Austrian song. The hom ghobt of Christmas tree .. Gigantic! Si hom miassn klan to rent trucks to transport damitsn kinan at all.
Jo Thurs Woan hoid because of the schwetsern Carly and friends and the piano. I love it because of the beautiful is.
Jo Gessner hamma then and every jo hod a gift brocht and griagt each hod ans by iwem. i picked griagt on peppermint-cocoa. nomnom Gessner hamma floisch and wos hoid Sun is here, sweet corn, kartoffeli, Suppi, and so hoid. In the basement Homma Knight and Day angschaut, of course san woa a special film Weil do in Salzburg, AUSTRIA. Donn'd mi the Chandler hamgfiat. Des is quite funny, because the children Hassn Carly, Chandler, Cassie, as hated as wasi nimma brother, a iwos with c, and the mom hates Carrie Chapman surname. olle CCs. :)
accurate and Weil oba scho SOVU Gschneit hod, bini donn dort bliebn. dann hamm nu wii gspüt, und so plaudert und dann samma heiti ganga. um 1 bini dann von da nanny hamgfiat wordn.

Daheim bini vor dem Problem gstandn. am abend frühe bescherung und i hob nu ka geschenk für david und kevin. habi in david gfrogt ob ma einkaufen foan kinan, Auf gehts, Sean kommt a mit, Kalin abgholt, und zum Target. Fürn David a Lego Krokodil. Fürn Kevin hamma a Wii spiel bestellt. Alles total altersgemäß. Da David is übrigens am 16. Dezember 23 wordn. Oba da Sean sogt David mag Lego. I mog Lego jo a.

Dann heimgfoan, [kleine Gedächtnislücke] Dann hod da David geburtstagsgeschenke auspockt, danach Pizza hods gebn, du soo weihnachtlich. Then we homs ausgsperrt and then HODS gläutet dlockerl. Jo mei so many gifts. Paint, 2 dvds, Gwand, jewelry, origami, in 3? soundtrack! and NaIO, wos ma'd fall griagt sober Wohr. Then hamma in David Gessner cheesecake, and the jo scho woas then pretty.

On Wednesday hamma gmocht virtually nothing zampackt for thursday, and 3 follow gschaut muppets and my Despicable me, things with the whole bonus.

gfoan samma Thursday to Buffalo, auto fahrn diesmoi only 8 hours, Eiso practically nothing. In the car Homma Muppet Christmas Carol angschaut. Then Toy Story 3, the woa sad because as Andy goes to college and it is sad, i derf betrayed nothing. Then hamma nu angschaut the bonus features. after toy story 3 woa ia bissi melancholy, do hobi to the 2 songs covered the ma di li gschickt hod, anghört HOBIS ned because Thurs Hätti angfangt probably cry. :... (
Christmas is Ned einfoch

Donn woama DO at Grandma and Grandpa Auricchio, the parents of da Michele Des house is weird because it hod 3 levels where ma some go and tv straight ahead. ., then 5 steps to the left on up, to do is lounge, dining room and kitchen and then on up to the bedroom zamgfasst
NaIO Woan it to do, the sisters haufn related michele hod hod 2 The youngest 3 children 2 girls.. emily, 20, the younger looking oba vii from. Kelsey, 18, and Nick 15th The Emily looks interesting-looking zero from ois gheats family ind. olle hom hoa brown and brown eyes, and she is strawberry blonde, blue hod auegn and see more from ois if it were Scandinavian.
The middle sister of the hod da michele olivia who is fear-hatched 13 and hod us in the end ol with Iara chill, oba on that later.

Jo i picked the kids on da couch gschlofn, there gibts kane blinds. Mo
Do is a keyboard and a television, a computer and the iwie permanently eingschoit woa. ajo, and a guitar-the same old zwutschki bissi woa a tune. and a string is the oba grissn Homma wieda repaired and gstimmt HOBIS a certain extent.
In da Frua gfrühstückt hobi, internet iPod angschaut. hhhhhhhh on video and it is papa Thurs Gweint very forgiving, oba a laugh. :)

and yet still conductive san kuma, i picked imma back home with whom skypt, then Gessner Homma, and jo, the 24th woa december 2010 for Elena.
On 25 HODS gifts GEBN, a nu a boa to Wed Then, Homma inception, i angschaut 3rd moi. therefore it bliebn bini aned. Oba there is a scho gscheit Guada film! samma then to the cinema ...



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

18 Year Old Male Birthday Poems

These are the secret stars!

I Today let something take it slow, I thought, I'll even photo's of my colored employees. These are really beautiful, colorful and no, they do not always see eye problem, which like this. My band is very popular fish and provides a good atmosphere here, many customers can not believe that the "only" goldfish. Two have quite large Glubschen, giving rise to more questions: "? If the what with the eyes of the Does a hammerhead shark-Oh is so sick, swollen eyes!"

Frequensi Satelit Nelsat

Happy 2011!

... I wish you all and to which it would be a good year! Celebrate nice but not too hard, the cat must not be so grown up ...
Christmas we have weathered well, from Christmas Eve morning to 2 Christmas afternoon we were cut off from the outside world, as women made hell and the wind god overtime the drifts were high as a man. So it was pretty quiet and we had a lot of time and leisure to go for a walk, the dogs were in the 7th Sky, lazy, lounging on the couch watching TV, the nose to put in good books and eat well, of course ...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pilates Ring For Bow Legs

the drama of the light bulb

... For days I run around with a permanent grin when I read the papers or listen to the news:
The bulbs should ban were reversed! I've rarely laughed so much while mortise our love a lot of EU members nonsense - but that is the crown! I do not get, sitting there but all the smart people and they in turn employ more bright minds to consider such things in advance. And then these things happen, I do not adopt it. annoys me even more but what I read today in a small contribution in the Baltic Sea newspaper must:

Clause: 6800 € for EU officials

means that these people bad for their vacant job in the highest pay grade times just € 6800 and the president made good even get € 9500. And who pays? You, you and I - the taxpayers, as always. As a business woman
economies can I not so would I have long broke! I think it's a huge mess, what a lax attitude prevails in the EU parliament, the lords there have lost all grip.
Best wishes from the pleas
shaking his head
Anke PS: I remember vaguely that a Mr Stoiber is to work there in the EU for the reduction of bureaucracy. Of which I hear or see nothing more, where is he?

Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Empty Toilet On A Boat

Merry Christmas to you all!

I wish you all end of year celebrations in the company of your loved ones, keep holding, takes a breath and refresh yourself from the hustle and bustle Vorweihnachtstage of 2010.
force collecting for the year 2011 , in which we all hope slip purely good.

my customers, I thank you for your loyalty and the many orders
that shows me, I'm on the right track.

My colleagues and I wish all the best for the New Year, thanks for our Collaboration and stimulate exchanges. Let the New Year to tackle together, without envy, strife and mutual gravity making.

my blog readers I thank you for your interested in reading and the many comments left behind,
pleased that I am always very much.

And now I'm looking forward to Christmas and New Year, which is' A Party ...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Why Are Eyes Different Sizes

Christmas holidays!

Jo mei. Last week wieda is scho so long ago. I remember dark that is easi ma in choral nix gmocht hom (toll elena!). jo hoid otherwise prepare for the Finals. I raised moi wen obs Last Christmas gfrogt Kennan, and the total is unknown, oda olle care less. Ned, like us at the end starts november scho wos in music, wos singa ma? LAST CHRISTMAS! the ane Höfte border Naaa! Tues andare Höfte Jooooo! and then singa ma no text in ganzn who knows, after all, in oba refrain. :)
friend san contrast classics such as We Wish You a Merry Christmas (do gfoit ma especially the Muppets version) Deck the Halls, Oh Christmas tree, more or less (of, by the way not translated) ou Tennenbaum, ou Tennenbaum uwie grrun sin Daine blättör.Dou grrunst nikt NURR in sonnenschainn nainn auk in uwinter uwenn Schnait it ...! Silent Night (will be translated obvious already), and others.
It is important song for American teenies "Gold Digger" of each to memory.

Jez i find it siag video, but is a more liberal bissi i wos little vasteh namely the text. Damn! glesne

In English Homma "The Red Badge of Courage". Well, that is, andan i ned. And FILQA dazua Homma us a do angschaut woa da funniest part of the draw, wos in war!

Note the nice gentleman with the glasses on top, and dramatically dying soldier shortly after!

piano Moderately lerni grod Victor's Piano Solo of "Corpse Bride". Des is scho pretty hard, and above all it is briefly keyboard. ma left missing a key Thurs flushing i imma die rechts daneben. und es blöde is dass im film unterbrochen wird wo er grod spielt und deswegen endets damit dass er vor schreck olle tasten gleichzeitig drückt, und so enden a di Noten, es gibt zwar di extended version oba die muasi erstmol finden.

Am Samstag abend woa i bei da Lizzie und do homma stundn woatn miassn bis iare eltern hamkuma san mit hamham, wir san vor hunger scho am boden glegn und hom weihnachtsfilme gschaut. A ganz wichtiger is "Elf" mim Will Ferrel, der is schon liebi. Do is a ois baby mim Santa mit gfoan unabsichtlich und dann hamsn groß gezogen und wie er erwachsen woa homs erm gsogt dass er goa ka elf sondan is a human right and that papa had lived in new york and unfortunately, on the "evil-child list". Then finally, hats pizza gem and we ham gmocht cookies.
The Lizzie hod a beautiful very old house with tons of Christmas decorations, and 2 dogs Pete the Chihuahua and Dexter the curly dog of the hod Wed quite like ghobt and imma to da ceiling chews and amoi Hoda my mushroom caught me now of the Hobie makes oba very schnö wieda weggnuma. Uiuiui

On Sunday hamma home house decorated Christmas tree and all. and i have to learn history angfangt. Thank God the genuinely woa Nemli gscheit vii. 9 middle chapters of 19 century to 1930s. Aussadem hobi gmoit a picture with the colors because the ma gschenkt siegi moi, and hod since gschickt papa. and Christmas music hobi a ghorcht. Wos ma hoid Sun daham hom:
- Peter, Paul & Mary
- John Denver and the Muppets
- 50 Hits for Christmas

woa ka school on Monday because of 10 cm beginning HODS nu gheissn 2 hours late and Learning to be is quite ausgfoin.Do hobi then ganzn gnutzt tag, and i picked to participate ma "Monsters" angschaut of heat si quite nice, with weltallproben scattered over Mexico and then develop si giant monster, it oba woa iwie a bissi fad. Sunshine is do Bessa vii!

Because the finals schedule woa da de Wochner zwurschtlt right. Tues unwichtign Stunkel hom oda takes only 25 minutes minutn 45 and the finals 85th

digitally on Tuesday woa final design, do bini ned oba ready wordn and woa bissi a sad deafn oba we hams moor unit ready. Mrs. Jared announces the hod, the DD and Photography teacher, the imma Tues annoying noises gmocht hod. why Homma currently a representative.

on wednesday woa study hall and history. I hate the 85 minute study hall raised ghobt to prepare practically for history, of a woa. Do is relatively guad ma ganga, 72% of C. is a

On Thursday woa 2 h delay of the i am hates aufgstandn raised by 8 Wed hoib busy until 10 and then is da kuma bus. English final (hobi 78% = C +) - Lunch - Photography Final. Woa stupid because of my film is really weird wordn. gonz opaque and transparent fost ned. It Sachn topic woa Holiday Color, colored with black and white film photographs. I picked it enlarger light aufdraht voi 18x and exposed. (Normal Duat ma so to 5x), the hod donn work to some extent. It woa bissi a gray ma Thurs must take to filter on down the dark and I liked it nu is A di time output. I picked up a neamd Frogn jo kina because of course familiar with si Tues representation SoWoS ned.
Aussadem woa scho do and since Sean was in the David geburtstog. 23 is ned oid! i picked hesitates EANA Tues Klassner Sachn the mama and papa gschickt hom a bird whistle (the hod special appeal gfundn), a jojo, tutti frutti, to tee advent calendar, take 2, 100 tic tacs, a heating pads, 2barbapapas ... The mozartkugeln of de wos in the attached Postage is Woan way Dirn ned, only the Zotter chocolate. Mim Teeadventkalender bini a bissi behind.

Today Woan nu electronic music and choir final de ned Woan difficult. We gaze at grod sanctuary, nature and much wieda steaks moi, moi nu gaze wos so is safety, we gaze nightmare before christmas to you.

- I do not have mim Cola Cola truck and in the song "Wonderful Dream" from that Melanie Thornton
- John Denver and the Muppets - We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Kermit: We all get some figgy pudding ...
Miss Piggy: Piggy pudding?
Kermit: No, figgy pudding it's made of figs.
Miss Piggy: Oh sorry
Kermit: ... and bacon ..
Miss Piggy: WHAT?

- brucker from there griagt-oma hobi aa Packerl with Keksi and ana and chain and bracelets and such. Thank you! : D

Wos has also missing ma san einkaufn Sachn the einfochn as cola commercial, the Fraunhofer. Who can wü scho wos absolutely EVERYTHING is on target for Hofer wemma instead. Honestly!

And I do not come drumhin (writes of the so-ma) ma snow that Christmas and this year is somehow a bissi care less. I lifted colorful blinking Christmas tree, glowing in snowman Keksi from there oma, weinachtstees, a Christmas flauschidekce Christmas ocher, snow, i droning Wed jedn death of Christmas music and still ..
I am, therefore, conclude that Christmas to 90% so beautiful is because it ma family and friends Imma Do hod with di ma of the Group members can, and only 10% for gifts.
know why I MI so much aufn 24th looking forward? ned because Christmas is Thurs, or because even Buffalo Foan ma oda because there fost 1 meter snow-hod, but because i do at home with olle Skype, mim papa to be with grandma, and do as miassn donn olle andan a! Otherwise Sogi because Grandma disinherit that all should!
when DI ka internet there i go hom aussi gross mi in snow, and stay there until 27 lie.

I finally finished! YAY


Monday, December 13, 2010

Can You Get Kobe Beef In Calgary?

attention! Attention!

Estimated Frönd! Thurs

the Eleno diesä Wochä Finals dofüa hot and must be able Provision has, verschobän dea next blog on Freitog. I beg gonz love to eua Voständnis.

Soberon cry gö! :)

(the fois ned so completely aussakumt, the soid act like a Bavarian dialect)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Free Online Games For Special Needs

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Braum's Yogurt Fruit Swirl Calories

ARMOIRE in Advent 2010

love gift seekers and Christmas holiday
we present

ARMOIRE EDITION Gift Factory No. 8

finestra aperta
Tinkabell LOONS (installation in the courtyard)

FINGERPRINT Angelo & Angelina

opening times Advent
Fridays of Advent 03 + 10. + 17. December h li.MsoFootnoteText, div.MsoFootnoteText {margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 6pt; font-family: Courier;} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size: 10pt font-family: "Times New Roman";} div . Section1 {page: Section1;}

by coming soon

are 4 designers from Basel - Danielle Dreier, Françoise Payot, Sasa Kohler and Sabine Lauber - realize the past ten years together as a group project. All four share a passion for design, art and fashion.

Their often symbolic works are characterized by great storytelling skill, and often have the Gout of exquisite minimalism einer verfeinerten Ästhetik. In dieser Ausstellung präsentieren sie ihre Coverversion des Art Borders Wallcover „ELASTIKA“ by Zaha Hadid, eine technische Neuheit der Firma Marburg.

CELLULAR FLUIDITY – ICON 50427, entfaltete Sphäre durch changierende Metalliceffekte. Variationen von Kupfertönen wechseln sich mit stumpfem Grün ab unterlegt von einem weissen Hintergrund. Die weisse Rückseite der Tapete wird zum Kernelement des Konzeptes CELLULAR FLUIDITY – ICON 50427. Wallpaper, Wandcover, Wandbild oder Wandtattoos, we all know from the front. Here, viewing habits are broken. In the most important elements for a room, walls and light is refracted, liquefied rigid structures. A diagonal grown organically through the room tilts and shifts perspectives proportions. Between rest and dynamic is a reorganization of the room.


stand: Marburg Wallcoverings

agency Switzerland: Schönholzer Decor GmbH

exhibition concept: by coming soon

Monday, December 6, 2010

Upanayanam Invitation Template

How I spent my week

hui. Thurs woa wos going on. On Tuesday ghobt Homma choir practice. 5. & 6 hour, and then nu still at noon. woa cool because of the more conductive sing desdo cool sounds. Des woa a madness, do Homma gübt together, the zionsville singers and a large part of di andan choirs, and do Homma then rehearse the songs. Des is soo cool when Do sing Christmas carols around 50 Mädls a four-part, and then cool yule, a 4-voice. It woa final Polar Express, ka do is actually text only aaah, ooooh (uuuh), bong, Falala. is very nice! :) It really sounds supa Oba, now to the klan woas class room, with conductive vollgstopft who sing good ol jug ...

and it also important: I'm with The girls from the choir with di i sit in da Frua imma around "Obghängt. Sun and ghobt Homma right gaude a and i picked fetsgstellt that di tori and katie, the first ma Woan more unappealing, san actually quite liebi. Since that is probably due woa imma nua in da Frua stood before because erstn siag and so do is ma jo ned grod aufglegt shiny. :) Oba the 5 mogi very happy! Claire, Joy, Lizzie, Tori, Katie
From then shui hod Wed Tues kalin obghoit wiel else was neamd do, and daham hobi then my gmocht photos, oba me dümgt grod that the inside is probably scho in Letzner blog wiel the late woa as the jez grod a, Schlimmi elena! : D

concert by running on wednesday woa hoib from 4 to 9 hoib sample, with 2x a whole. and up to the fact that conductive einfoch never Tues pappn Hoidn kinan to be really really matters and even ned olle, woas Eih guad right.
during the time where we liadln ned with our INTERNET 3 Woan turn (Eiso mostly), in the old auditorium Homma ghängt bleibn miassn, do is a canvas where ma gsenghod grod obgeht wos on da stage, except that nothing gheat ma hod Weil of course in so the old auditorium is quite loud when conductive Foster 500 on it woatn CG solution that stage and kinan Something Going back. ;)
On jedn foi hobi Tues verbrocht time again with the 5 and jez hobi finally can make friends with de i wos, and several speakers ois only. Bake in the wochnend bini as Lizzie, and do damma cinematic gaze and biscuits and oda skating on saturday sunday. Thurs Froi much I MI!
It hom Although in the beginning because ma olle right graunzt meistns better stood the doa hod ois 5 extra at around since sitzn shui. oba i am glad drum and a ned woa fad for Wed :)
In da 7th Stood HODS way to schneiberln angfangt.

On Thursday hobi heimfoan when, in the house anchristbam Gseng the scho voi lit and totally pushing the window gstandn is. Claire gsogt hod foischn that never echtn bam hom but intangible, it's the Findi bad. Kerzner needs of real ma goa ned starting out, do san Tues amis vii dafia too cowardly. ;) Only light string hom de. Pff ...
On Tues evening woa first Performance, thank God I am quite nervous about ned SoWoS because jo ned i am alone, that i picked Aussa miassn to cool yule olle aussileitn. oba of hod scho hanging skin.
If i would have to sing alone the scho andas, or when debüball woa i nervous vorspieln and the piano. i mog ned so fond of listening Thurs wemma who looks oda. only when i wos whom vorspün necessarily wü. Oba mim sing is completely out, the genre sing dua i andan alone oba niemois whom! So is the same. ;)
It woa a splendid show (i underestimated moi) and ois hanging skin hod. the final polar express homs extracts from the film hesitates. Des woa a very cool and is also the orchestra einfoch Sun guad, i man es klingt ned wie auf da cd, oba auf jedn voi san die olle voi guad! wir singer hom hi und do a a bissi zspät eingsetzt, oba des is jo wurscht.

Am freitag hobi in englisch darauf hingwesn dass da kalender imma nu auf november is. es is a chuck norris kalender und jedn monat steht a neicha chuck norris witz und i woit wissn wos da letzte is, und da mr. kartholl hod man gschenkt weil i erm darauf hingwiesen hob. Hobi mi schon gefreut. Wos da spruch woa wasi nimma und i müsst jez aufstehn zum holen und dann stromts mi wieder wiel die couch so elektrisch is und blabla. eh scho wissn. eiso loss is bleibn. ;)
Am abend woa es 2. concert. Do woa dann a die michele mit da kalin da und die michele hod ma a rose gscheknt and di kalin hod videos gmocht with meina camera. home HODS pizza GEBN and olle Woan happy.
angfangt Later hobi nu "I simply incorrigible" looking. woa quite funny because of the Gru agree with because of oliver beck pipe with a Russian accent (a quiet speaks to Ben, and above all, in Justus Jonas of the three?) and his opponent vector agree with because of Jan Delay. Des woa funny. : D

HODS On Saturday night about the woa Gschneit very pretty. About 4 inches exactly. (= 10 cm)
I mog snow because he 'd like everything so bright and clean. In the afternoon samma Town gfoan udn do is soo pretty. We in the antiquitätengschöft Woan, Thurs Gibts same old books, and teddy bears and photos, and so old collectible images that mark i nu of the Children of Noisy Village, (which has the Lisa is communicating with because Brittany and andare my girl and all, if the mama water from what i red), we Woan nu andare in gschäfterl and i picked it gfundn ultimate gift ... It looks there like Stars Hollow, typical American.

Sunday woas a pig again cold oba Gschneit HODS nimma so much more gstaubt. between hod moi a strange cat and knock the disks deafn oba ned hod course eina! I picked ma Inception angschuat and Christmas tree Homma, buys it woa ma so icy. hauptsöchlich wengam wind, because it sucked a imma internet, it felt hod -13 ° oab as -22 °. DO is at a moi schnö bissi freshly mute gö. :) We did the way that they wanted to correct Bam ghört, glaubi just barely, that is to bring on it that bolts right candles.
Hm moor, kamma nix. oba wia san weihnachtn sowiso in Buffalo, there homs remaining 32 inches snow, 80 cm of the san. So on Friday the woa now homs probably more. and up until Christmas, puuhh ... : DD can
evening schlofn hobi ned i hom Wed herumgwälzt and thinks, and then isma eingfoin always wos Empire. So is the meaning ganga iwann and then at 11 gsogt hobi ma. Elena, you are at all tired ned, why is the? should probably drink more Coke ka at night? Host a mysterious sleeping sickness? And what the Illuminati have to do with it?

then I picked myself ma Hader told privately, instead of the rag out there mim Reinhold Messner from Australian desert in da ankumt to the point where he was on da island aufn holiday entertainer Klaus-Jürgen (which may mim-Karl Heinz puts the blanket under ana ganzn lemmings cheer gwissn hod) scores! Des san least eight and a half minutes comedy by heart. Eiso i lifted Wed enjoyed themselves immensely. woa i tired Leida Immm rnu ned, i then lifted gwoat einfoch and iwonn woa i away. said the last look at the clock that goes to me 12:03 oba scho 15 minutes ago Eiso woas 11:48. Toll, gö!

Today woa wieda school choir in Homma substitue ghobt. the hod hod si gsigt to exppliziten plan wos mochn we stood in the. Jo mhm, she eingsammelt hod Tues notes of candlelight carol and cool yule udn around sitzn woa da rest and chat. EXPRESS! :)
Daham hobi ma the Monday's episode "The Walking Dead" and a angschaut Simpsons Christmas episode, the very great because woa Thurs olle at fantastic ghobt hom, and iam in da lisa marge dream woa Tues 2nd World War II, and hod à la Inglorious Basterds it anzündt cinema with di Nazis and finally homs olle Oh Tannenbaunm gsung, in German and i picked gmocht a flash translation. Wed Thurs hobi gfreut that on TV wos Deustches is.
noodles HODS gebn und wie i ausm Bad kum undin mei zimmer gehn wü, denki ma wos liegtn do vor da Tür? Es woan meine Schuhe mit Nüsse und Orange und Apfel drin, und so gummizeug. Do hobi mi sehr gefreut. Es gibt zwar so wos wien Nikolasu oba der haßt Saint Nick und do passiert ned wirklich wos. Adventkranz und Krampus gibts a ned, oag oda?


- I was an ganz wiezigen Witz auf englisch. What du you get if you have 50 female pigs(sows) and 50 male deer(bucks)? A hundred sows and bucks. I hobn ned checkt und er wirkt jez a ned witzig weil er geschrieben is, oba essoll si eben so anhörn wie A hundred thousand Bucks.
- Noch ein Witz auf deutsch: I bin a viertl stund gsessn und hob vasuacht mitzukommen:

Sehr geehrter Herr Pfarrer!

Wie sie wissen, habe ich eine Witwe geheiratet mit einer zwanzigjährigen Tochter. Diese hat dann meinen Vater geheiratet.
Mein Vater wurde also mein Schwiegersohn, meine Stieftochter meine Mutter.

Als meine Frau den Jungen bekam, war das der Schwager meines Vaters und gleichzeitig mein Onkel (als Bruder meiner Stieftochter).

Nun hat meine Stiefmutter, die ja zugleich meine Stieftochter ist, vorgestern ebenfalls einen Jungen bekommen, und der ist nun sowohl mein Bruder als auch mein Enkel!

Ich selbst aber bin der Mann meiner Frau und ihr Enkel (als Sohn ihres Schwiegersohnes). Meine Frau ist meine Großmutter (als Mutter meiner Stiefmutter).

Und da der Mann meiner Großmutter mein Großvater ist, bin ich nun mein eigener Großvater.

Bitte, wann kann ich einmal bei ihnen vorbeikommen?

- Dr. Brausefrosch der Allgemeinmediziner & Dr. Walterfrosch der Röntgenologe :D [Janosch]
- I bin jez scho fost 4 monate do. des is fast die hälfte. i glaub i hob nu nie erlebt dass 1 jahr so schnell vergehen kann. Oba die zeit bis weihnachten vergeht immer schneller ois es frühjahr und Sun
- I always listen jez Hui Buh - The Goofy Ghost. Radio plays i mog very simple. I'm still hoid a child. (As narrator is also because Andreas Fröhlich who speaks in Bob Andrews of the three?)
- I write on my blog ned only for others but for me a, so building things one is interested in general except maybe me neamd. oba'll later refer to our website and i deslesn voi supa! :) Schlafn

I think i am he, Hui jez i go then.

you Pfirt,


Survey Conducted By Miss Clairol

2.Advent ...

... and now I show times our coffee table from the past Sunday. Traditionally, we invite our parents to Advent for coffee, I make chocolate cake ala Anke, there are galleries, gingerbread, etc.. This year I've even chosen an unusual color for the table-purple is well known, the last attempt, but I liked dent manner at first and even the lord and master had, after initial skepticism, a compliment to the table ... We sat together nicely, chatted, laughed, drank NEN Schnäppi and I really enjoyed this afternoon, the battery has tanked again ...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can I Ask For A Handjob With My Brazillian Wax

Photo Blog

Des is a pure picture postcard: it myself all quite envious. :)

Betty Crocker Cupcake Mix

Impressions from early winter to complaints

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Guys With Big Nostrils


plays ... crazy. After the last few days I've already put up with fear and discomfort to the garage last night and am only just slipped through the drifts, is now nothing. It is raging a full-grown blizzard, blowing snow and that it is a superb and I just got really scared. And so the car stops and I can not go to Eric at home because the school buses. My colleague takes the film in the store, I am so happy with my pearl. Maybe later I can still shoot a few pictures, I ran the then like to ....
PS: Aufgrund der Wetterlage werden sich Lieferungen verzögern, ich bitte um Verständnis.