Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Man Wear Panties


grüßi Jo, i am pretty a bissi, and unmotivated honest gsagt a bissi.

Eiso last entry was at 17, today is da 29th wos is happening? woa wos up? woa like Christmas?

I forget wasi nu raised in Packerl from mama and papa woa a nu a book, "Carp dispute.
Des is very funny and practical verorscht Austrians and Christmas, and how these two just get along with each other. Thurs are the three Christmas crises, one before, too, and after Christmas. The types of Christmas tree buyers and Vanillekipferlesser. text passages Christmas controversy and finally a guide for Christmas songs, such as (i must take the word jez einfoch) is most difficult, obs is tricky and so on. Very wiezig. i hobs glesne 2.5 moi.

On Friday woa just school , and since Sean woa scho do, and we forget ham pineapple. Hod of the oba quite painful because tan is particularly sour pineapple out right to the edge. I then even hod scho Tues angfangt tongue to bleed, do hobi gsogt then, you thought i it is enough for today. Jop been the Sun domols. The next tog Homma buys and i picked up a half kilo ma frozen fruit purchases, pineapple, strawberries and mango. the dua i alwayz in di microwave before.

On Monday woa i eat since Carly at Christmas dinner. Thurs hobi then A snow globe where Silent Night stands on it, because of the jo is a Austrian song. The hom ghobt of Christmas tree .. Gigantic! Si hom miassn klan to rent trucks to transport damitsn kinan at all.
Jo Thurs Woan hoid because of the schwetsern Carly and friends and the piano. I love it because of the beautiful is.
Jo Gessner hamma then and every jo hod a gift brocht and griagt each hod ans by iwem. i picked griagt on peppermint-cocoa. nomnom Gessner hamma floisch and wos hoid Sun is here, sweet corn, kartoffeli, Suppi, and so hoid. In the basement Homma Knight and Day angschaut, of course san woa a special film Weil do in Salzburg, AUSTRIA. Donn'd mi the Chandler hamgfiat. Des is quite funny, because the children Hassn Carly, Chandler, Cassie, as hated as wasi nimma brother, a iwos with c, and the mom hates Carrie Chapman surname. olle CCs. :)
accurate and Weil oba scho SOVU Gschneit hod, bini donn dort bliebn. dann hamm nu wii gspüt, und so plaudert und dann samma heiti ganga. um 1 bini dann von da nanny hamgfiat wordn.

Daheim bini vor dem Problem gstandn. am abend frühe bescherung und i hob nu ka geschenk für david und kevin. habi in david gfrogt ob ma einkaufen foan kinan, Auf gehts, Sean kommt a mit, Kalin abgholt, und zum Target. Fürn David a Lego Krokodil. Fürn Kevin hamma a Wii spiel bestellt. Alles total altersgemäß. Da David is übrigens am 16. Dezember 23 wordn. Oba da Sean sogt David mag Lego. I mog Lego jo a.

Dann heimgfoan, [kleine Gedächtnislücke] Dann hod da David geburtstagsgeschenke auspockt, danach Pizza hods gebn, du soo weihnachtlich. Then we homs ausgsperrt and then HODS gläutet dlockerl. Jo mei so many gifts. Paint, 2 dvds, Gwand, jewelry, origami, in 3? soundtrack! and NaIO, wos ma'd fall griagt sober Wohr. Then hamma in David Gessner cheesecake, and the jo scho woas then pretty.

On Wednesday hamma gmocht virtually nothing zampackt for thursday, and 3 follow gschaut muppets and my Despicable me, things with the whole bonus.

gfoan samma Thursday to Buffalo, auto fahrn diesmoi only 8 hours, Eiso practically nothing. In the car Homma Muppet Christmas Carol angschaut. Then Toy Story 3, the woa sad because as Andy goes to college and it is sad, i derf betrayed nothing. Then hamma nu angschaut the bonus features. after toy story 3 woa ia bissi melancholy, do hobi to the 2 songs covered the ma di li gschickt hod, anghört HOBIS ned because Thurs Hätti angfangt probably cry. :... (
Christmas is Ned einfoch

Donn woama DO at Grandma and Grandpa Auricchio, the parents of da Michele Des house is weird because it hod 3 levels where ma some go and tv straight ahead. ., then 5 steps to the left on up, to do is lounge, dining room and kitchen and then on up to the bedroom zamgfasst
NaIO Woan it to do, the sisters haufn related michele hod hod 2 The youngest 3 children 2 girls.. emily, 20, the younger looking oba vii from. Kelsey, 18, and Nick 15th The Emily looks interesting-looking zero from ois gheats family ind. olle hom hoa brown and brown eyes, and she is strawberry blonde, blue hod auegn and see more from ois if it were Scandinavian.
The middle sister of the hod da michele olivia who is fear-hatched 13 and hod us in the end ol with Iara chill, oba on that later.

Jo i picked the kids on da couch gschlofn, there gibts kane blinds. Mo
Do is a keyboard and a television, a computer and the iwie permanently eingschoit woa. ajo, and a guitar-the same old zwutschki bissi woa a tune. and a string is the oba grissn Homma wieda repaired and gstimmt HOBIS a certain extent.
In da Frua gfrühstückt hobi, internet iPod angschaut. hhhhhhhh on video and it is papa Thurs Gweint very forgiving, oba a laugh. :)

and yet still conductive san kuma, i picked imma back home with whom skypt, then Gessner Homma, and jo, the 24th woa december 2010 for Elena.
On 25 HODS gifts GEBN, a nu a boa to Wed Then, Homma inception, i angschaut 3rd moi. therefore it bliebn bini aned. Oba there is a scho gscheit Guada film! samma then to the cinema ...




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