Friday, January 28, 2011

Does A Dazzle Need Software?

Do not Blink!

On Wednesday woa half, Uiuiui. And to celebrate the day for the first hobi moi missed in the bus. Oba to happen when David woa, woa Weila for da Kalin and hodn aussigjogt in there, and do Frua isa hamgfoan and donn Hoda Wed shui gfiat ind. Des woa cool. There are new semester hod angfangt Eiso hobi, NaIO ned new classes, new classes oba hoid people in oiden Tues In elecctronic music jez bini it only Lara, and Digital Photography in hobi to neichn teacher who knows si nu, Ned, and jez mochma grod a so strange a thing is of like a collage Stöten do ma random einfoch klumpert some and so on down a scho bissi still subject to English have Diarama. i picked "Home", and moch Thu Sun traunseeschiffal with water and on the mountain and rest in wasi nu ned. i picked ka jo Sun guad as small producers.
gschneit hods a. 
Mei neicha Lunchbuddy is jez di Fiona. Mit der is imma lustig, jez bini ka Lunch-Authist mehr. :)
Die Fiona is a so a Fan von How I Met Your Mother und Bones, und weil i jo staffeln 1,2,4 auf DVD hob, hobi ia des borgt und si hod ma Young Victoria borgt.

Daham hobi ma dann Young Victoria angschaut, noch am Haufen Probleme mit Windows Media Player und andare Windows Programme hobi dann in VLC oda wasi wie der haßt gnuma, der hod hinghaut.
Am Montag hobi jo schnitzel gmocht und do woan nu erdöpfi üba und do hobi dann an erdöpfisolot gmocht. with zwüfi. jamjam

On Thursday bini hamkuma and then einpockt hobi mi and am gone walking so the creepy house. Des woa eingfoin a bissi and ahead of di t ürn Woan and window boards and signs where it says "No Trespassing" on down the posterior border of the aufbrochen ghobt who hod hod ma and behold some kina. Des woa oba as creepy weggrennt middle of the field, screaming in a house some empty gaze, Eiso bini. Not!
I picked a wos festgstellt very great, because usually works! Jo iPod with body heat. Eiso with handschauch is Thurs nix, oba voi screen if there is cold, (For example wemma 1 hour in the snow running around) then go with the handschuach a. Klass, oda?

to eat HODS GEBN amoi wos new. at the beginning HODS ausgschaut as a giant fruit salad with plastic bags. oba it kartoffln woa and meat and carrots and celery. Des woa all right, only about 75% of the potatoes Woan weng only a crude, oba else entirely woas jamjam.

evening hod Tues shui angruafn Friday is 2-hour delay. YESS! aufbliebn Thurs bini nat ürlich longer and lifted ma schätzomativ Doctor Who angschaut. (I remember is easi partners ned) of your favorite series is jez a ane me. In English is hoid wieda moi v ü lustiger. Die spinnen die Briten! Manche folgen san echt gscheid unheimlich.

Jez schreibi grod in da schule, i bin so schlimm. oba i hob nix mehr zum doa.

Am Freitog woa 2-Hour delay. des woa gmiatlich. um 8:30 aufstehn. und jo herumsitzen weili scho fertgi bin. und so. Jo, und da Sean is a kuma. des is jo imma voi die fahrt. do foat ma jo 1,5 - 2 stund. um 8:45 sans kuma. so woa des domois. 

Am samstag, woa i fahrn sled with as Fiona and 2 friends of her .. been of a quite a fun. On the one h sash in Zionsville. i picked kan ghobt sled and I am with hoid schlittn di andan gfoan. Thurs Woan types which you as a si voi aifgfiat and hom ne on-orange jackets and hoods anghabt hom, from the ma griagt eye cancer. The Woan f UR ois zdeppad. Ka anziges moi homsas neatly in h sash obigschoft.
Accurate and i and di Fiona hom us to the conclusion without schlittn obighaut nu. 2moi obigrollt. I is da schnee ind jackn einigfoin und i hob dann mei gesamte r ückseitn nimma gspiat. ois taub. dann hamma nu a zeitl woatn miassn aufs obhoin. 
Daham hobi nu 2 stund k älte ausgstrahlt. normalerweis wird di couch woma sitzt jo worm, bei mir is hoib gfroren. mit flauschijacke, flauschisocken und flauschidecke woa ma imma nu koid. Wir hom nu mehr doctor who gschaut. sp äter hobi mit david kalin und sean nu matrix angschaut. jez kenni mi bei dem a bissi bessa aus. I hobs oba ned fertig ansgchaut, weils ma z sp ät woadn is. 

Am Sonntag woa wieda nix los. Am abend hod da david in sean wieda hamgfiat, und so woa des hoid. Am abend hobi ma die letzte gruselige folge von doctor who angschaut.Die wo mitm teufi, des woa scho wild. bei schlafn hobi dann die ganze zeit über so sc h öne sochn wie teufel, in 5 billion years Tues sun explodes, do Brutzel ma olle then, aliens, black l Öcher, and ois wos ned furchtboas in the universe are still wick. woa the very calm, and i can eh scho ned Sun schlofn guad.

Ma so much nu ...
Motags school woa, woa school Tuesday, Wednesday woa woa school hours Thursday and today is friday. I picked up some ma wieda Doctor Who and Family Guy.
Aussadem Homma in history on board to "Save Private Ryan" is a angschaut of war film. Thurs Homma angschaut the part where the Americans to attack the Nazis in Normandy. And write to miassn Homma then wos. Woa the ned of that difficult hobi in study hall and vorgschrieben daham only obschreiben and modify a miassn bissi. English scho is more complicated. Thurs miassma a persuasive paper mochn on a topical issue. i picked up smoking Laws. Thurs miassm keep pretending zettl irgendam with appropriate items to be completed wos it say exactly Thurs and Sun klumpert lauta. oba it Guadeloupe onto di dumb English and again ovements story is that I MI jez less before ana Fachbereichsarbeit f UR Tues Matura. Fiachtn dua i mi vor mathe und m ündlicher matura.

Zwischendruch hobi ma moi Inglourious Basterds angschaut, so sch öner Film. ganz toll. Oba i findn scho cool!


Heute foa i ham, dann muas da sean so zwischendurch a moi obghoit werde. dann ziangma in a hotel und gehn ins kindermuseum in indianapolis des es gr össte Children's Museum is the there, do is a dinosaur in it and a Barbie exhibition. Wos nu ma otherwise mochn wasi ned. Boa hey jez gfreits nimma Wed.

to explain why there blog "Do not Blink" have. For Doctor WHO provides jo heaps monster and aliens. The Weeping Angels. The kinan si move only when looking at neamd Des is a layer of protection when looking at who will stone and san indestructible, and crying because why hasn wennsa si mutual gaze donnn sans forever petrified. Deadlock have the (in English). des is a bissi like a mountain ox. The gaze then a fairly gruselig aus. 

Die Weinenden Engel san a auf Platz 1 der unheimlichsten Monster. (Von wo und wem wasi ned),Worlds-Scariest-Monsters

Jo, danke für ihre Aufmerksamkeit.



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