Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sinuses Hurt More At Night

Rußland: Das Geschäft mit der Sowjetnostalgie

Im kapitalistischen Rußland erlebt die Sowjet-Nostalgie eine neue Blüte, wie zu berichten weiß . Dabei geht es weniger um Ideologie, als um Erinnerungen an eine vermeintlich unbeschwerte Jugend.

Besonders bemerkbar macht sich der Trend im Bereich der Gastronomie. Cafés und Stehimbisse mit Namen wie „UdSSR“ oder „Freundschaft“ laufen erfolgreich. Besonderer Beliebtheit erfreut sich die klassische „ stolowaja“, the canteen, which stands for good value and good food. The business models are quite different. During payable in Moscow in some places through and through unsozialistische prices, but sometimes even a striptease may be ordered for dessert, some companies rely on low prices, larger quantities of customers - and make it part of transactions relating to that of established restaurants can measure. Even the department store GUM on Red Square in Moscow successfully marketed its socialist past.

The nostalgia wave recorded alongside other areas of popular culture special interest channels show Soviet films and reports about the Gagarin's space flight or the funeral Breschnejws. Enjoys great popularity at the time the music of the 1980s. On the Internet, successfully marketed Soviet Propagandeplakate as a poster. And from the initiative of three friends a museum of old Soviet slot machines came into being on the edge of Moscow.

are unanimous in wanting all the votes cited in the article that the phenomenon of nostalgia is not fed from a desire to see the old system again. The psychologist Vadim Petrovsky speaks of the stress of awakening the desire to feel like a kid again - and if those childhood took place in the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s, would they just associated with the Soviet Union. Accordingly, could come true at the end of the article cited forecast, according to which could be expected in the not too distant future with a 90's fashion.


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