Monday, February 28, 2011

Collection Letter Dor Dental

Paul Mole RULES!

Ä ö ü

Today is friday and i picked up a neich blog-technology ideas. I read every tog happened wos and stores and to publish a boa tag kani then ois. Ma i am so awesome!

Today is Friday of the notice that it ma alla scho ol on Facebook talking about the drink. Voi English is stupid. the gfreit Wed goa ned nullo. It spins in Electronic Music program sound so easy if all instruments such as violin jez a. Booyah!

Because i raised since fiona borrow my iPod and thus in a Study Hall without acoustic sound woa, wos Wed completely out as ground gworfn hod because i every 10 minutes iwos gaze doa Woit mim iPod clock eg CG solution, hean music, internet behold, doodle jump spün, jo lifted so in meim new college block a list angfangt in the i ol man picked the mark aufgschrieben i. Until jez hobi 217th Oba des is ned so easily wen ma Sogn "knows." Oba ned i give up!

I picked nu gmocht to flauschball in Photography. jez mochi nothing more.

Today Saturday, the sun shines, and i my room on spatial. namely the woa scho a badly needed. It is Gwand jez in Kastl as Bodner is sauggestaubt freely. Thurs foit me immediately so that the KLA is actually goa, Ned. the cabinet door hobi a "repaired", a einfoch moi boa drauftretn and then adjusts the scho jez immerin HERE bessa ois before. rollo the work of Ned Leida because zrissene schnürdln comb ned zamtretetn again. The dust is jez a reduction is not negligible.
i wos lifted gmocht nu is little things, photos and sticker reinbicken buchi in one, so looks nice. I was why i jo cinema, football and theater tickets Unmark. The hobi Thurs jez einibickt stylish.

hobi Today finally it ohrringerl medical aussadoa deafn and raised there mama iare einidoa. do is the same as ma obigfoin cap and i am 5 minutes on glegn Bodner and hobs ned gfundn then obigschaut hobi Durcan desk top and Gseng Dasser Glandt very stupid on the Buache wos ma is from below siagt fost ned. jez is wieda do and Francois is in order.

My bulbs gwechselt hobi a san because that is considered 3 of 4 nimma nothing at all and i Gseng lifted. ane is the same two samma entgegengebröselt jack in da bliem, do hobi then herumgwerkelt deppad to finally fit hod. Jez hobi daylight in the room. brighter than ever before. jez brauchi Mi a nimma ashamed wos Thu Sun horse collar "to light". (Ha ha ha pun)

fine ghobt Sunday hobi at least in plan, namely hod Wed host families since Amy Montgomery obghoid, di is found by AFS and Duat. The woa ois exchange student in Austria and a hod scho moi a Viennese Thurs ghobt and talks a German. Jo and since library woa then A International recently and i am Thu Sun GWES in IHRM AFS stood and lifted my ghobt own sign out elena it says girll and i picked it up cookbook, my salzkammergut books, brochures and the panorama Christmas cards from there mitghobt oma. The map hod the children gfoin especially delighted Woan. gsessn
Thurs samma hoid 2 hour, moi hom herumgschaut informed Undso. Then samma her gfoan and hom GEJAUSNET! the hod three children. Twins, Charlie and Maggie, 9, and Joseph, 7
san olle The total Gscheid spün and piano. And the really guad san. which in Hobi klavierspün zuagschaut then Homma gspüt barbie. and it hesitates and jo ma house homs of heat si jez iwie little of total hom we oba jo ois gmocht over a longer period. Valentine's Day boxes homs a gmocht, exactly.

Then word and jez bini hamgfiat moch i nothing more.

on Tuesday is expected guad ma ned, do hobi Wed nochm lunch places to go and then hamgfoan bini. there gschlofn hobi then. And in Frua though quite up there by 8. On Wednesday woas wieda bessa Thurs hobi gfernset and banana yogurt Gessner, when i wos ondas'd probably gespeibst. On the evening is then CAITLYN mim andi kuma and Woan then so do and such. * * Do frohi Homma top gear of the woa gschaut so funny, because top gear is einfoch supa!

schlofn At 10 bini addressed eingschlofn bini wieda totally soon, namely hoib 12th I can actually sleep nimma. . (

well on Thursday woa wieda all gone Thurs bini wieda ind shui, eh lifted missed nothing important only in english cares Wed goa ned, deppade be the center of the soi 4-5 pages long.. is again a moi!
fetzngaude home Woan the nu Caitlyn, as David and as andy do, then on down the san boid gfoan respectively in sean from bloomington obghoit ham.'ve integrated a few of the ham Cumulative alllllllll san da! full house. and the a beautiful sun seems voi.

unit (Freitog) Homma aussadem fire alarm test ghobt, wieda moi. do San burns a boa Leida because the sun and light ned gwohnte san (ned wengam fire, woa jo goa kans). Me burns away HODS 15% vision. ois i was nu ned gnuag shortsighted. Kumt
Des hoid wemma in this day in ganzn to eingsperrt is concrete block, and also (voi jo wos stupid is): Olle teacher miassn the blinds down here hom to save energy. It is of the ned have only very cold in winter because the heating to a maximum of 18 ° aufdrahn and dark is a intangible. As there the uncivilized that we create the mountain farmers in Austria that ma heat-proof windows, and the U.S. mochn ned. moi think, huh. : D

So far so good, in the choir we hod Mrs. Broge the can vorgsungen highest note this, a high e. 3 octaves and 3 tones can sing. I created two octaves and 2 tones oda Sun where i ned all Sicha whether some ma ois squeak or soi categorize sing.

Between Friday the 18th and now nothing hobi gschriem because of ma wenns lesne zviel oabeit is only 5 conductors.
Saturday woama voi einkaufn, in da mall And although at Forever21 and Macy's and SoWoS hoid. and I foit grod on that at all ma ned nor shoes gschaut hom madness. ajo and after woama nu at Old Navy, do hobi meistn on purchases. Daham homs Roast Beef and gmocht aufgessn because ma zspät Woan homs ois. For 7 leit hams and cooked ois four of homs Allane aufgfressn. Such pigs. :)

woa On Monday President's Day = free. I was nimma wos ma gmocht hom, except that free woa.

On Tuesday woa wieda school and i believe that it raised sondan Persuasive Paper scho is due, woas oba ned until friday. Luckily! Aussadem lesma in English Huckleberry Finn. Eiso the others, i ned. because i scho gnuag stress raised with meim persuasive paper anyway, and general school-reading boycott. (Ma writes of the way?) On

Wednesday woa and school, and i lifted surprise test on MLA Show it mochn miassn, Weili jo last wochn ned do woa am mittwoch. True or False. I woa so guad vorbereitet dass i jede frage geraten hob. Des muas ma ollerdings dzu sogn dass die andan des  MLA scho seit da 3. klass lernen. Und wir des goa ned hom. Wir werden sehn wie guad i im raten bin. Im schätzen bini jedenfois sauschlecht.

Am Donnerstag woa die Fiona ned do. Des woa natürlich tragisch. 
Mein study guide in geschichte hobi fertig gmocht fürs quiz am freitag. \
Am abend hods zum schneien angfangt. Des hod mi nicht gefreut, weil wenns im februar moi a bissi frühlingshaft is, dann hobi scho gnuag vom winter und wü unbedingt frühling ham. Aussadem hobi mei persuasive paper weida gschriem. wordn Oba finished bini ned, oba of woama then damn, i lifted Wed einfoch mentally prepared on it that i called at Mr. Kartholl that i need more time because of that hard is.

angruafn On Friday at 6 hod the shui: 2 hour delay. I ma raised in alarm clock on gstellt hoib 9 and picked weita gemützt. At 8 am bini and then aufgwocht aufbliebn. 5 minutes later, the hod shui wieda angruafn: Snow Day! Woa the total, because of you, first class as long weekend is, and aussadem that PP is due until Monday. Random Gibts ned ois gheat says Wieser is! Moi again proved.

Sunday hobi the ma Angschaut Oscars, and as David hod peer edits gmocht for PP. Then FINALLY hobi ghobt ois. Thurs woa i so glad i picked this posted on Facebook, "Ode to Joy". Because i oba ka ma version finding it the imposing gnuag woa, posted hobi the Muppet version.

and ois special treat hobi dazua gschriebn: "Please make aufn text!" hahahahaha rofl lololololol * *
Aussadem herumglegn bini then nu hoib to 4 and raised ned schlofn kina.Hoffentlich is the heid ned wieda Sun NaIO warm, milky drink with honey and wait. Interestingly, bini goa ned oba tired. Perhaps soit moi i try to sleep without . Live Only hobi ma never wos to doa. I try kinnt: 1 Nocht aufbeleiben then sleep Nocht a, alternately hoid.

Jez is Monday. Today hod since grandpa's birthday.


an interactive leckerschmecker Esterhasi cake (jo i was writing the ma ned above)

  • track to me is bland-looking and therefore grod i ma in digital design pauli Mole Videos.
  • i lose German words. mark in English is ned and what is nimma Deitsch, the is a problem.
  • i picked up on Saturday milchreis gmocht hamham
  • i mog van Gogh in his pictures
  • the reason why the top three drie umlaute stand, is because i read in da school and then i einfoch just copy and paste and auffimuss. Sun einfoch is des and let i jez einfoch So to stand decoration moi.
  • something from the Muppets. The animal rules too! MAMAAAAAA
  • ajo and fois the ned is generally understood to have been. Everyone needs to evaluate, or he is haunted by the weeping angels and mangled.

Thank you for your attention, or not. :) Buba

Speedcook Vs. Microwave

Leipzig was great ...

... we are back, foot-dragging, packed full of impressions and done. The outward journey on Friday designed by train, thanks to the GDL and the rail strike very interesting, I was and am pissed off. In the future I'll think hard whether I I'll use this again and doing to the car. On Friday evening we drove into town, sniffing, enjoy and marvel. On Saturday, we boarded the fair, a whole day we spent there, met many new companies, contacts made and of course purchased. It's something different to see something in the catalog or angrabbeln, watching, and sniff test may. Was great, but super tiring. I think we'll repeat that, it's really a win, now I will digest these first impressions, I work through the many catalogs and decide what I buy out. In the evening we went again to the city and since my Mom a Leipzig plant, we followed the paths of the past, it was just nice and made us both a lot of joy. In the Münzgasse we found a nice place called Little dreaming and could end the weekend with a delicious meal in a real feel-good atmosphere. The restaurant has a wonderful ambience, the food is great and the service was very friendly and we felt very comfortable.

On Sunday morning we went back home and now we have the everyday halt again ..

Friday, February 25, 2011

Supraspinatous Injury


report we briefly times back :-)

Sorry, but there was a lot going on and I was a little different than with my thoughts out in blogging.

Here is where everything okay. Lucy has again a depot-AB-syringe am letzten Donnerstag bekommen. Die erste Woche war sie wieder sehr matt danach aber nun geht es langsam. Allerdings hat sie nun Durchfall. Ich habe gerätselt, woran es wohl liegt und habe mich dann für das frische Katzengras entschieden. Lucky hatte das auch mal davon. Habe es nun erst mal weggepackt um zu gucken, ob es das war.

Mein Ohr ist immer noch nicht in Ordnung. Gestern war ich zur Nachuntersuchung, nach dem ich am Montag nach Hause wegen Notfälle oder anderen Ausreden geschickt wurde. Naja, bin halt nur Kassenpatient.
Vor zwei Wochen wurde festgestellt, dass ich dicken Krusten durch die Entzündung auf den Trommelfellen habe. Der Hörtest war auch nicht prall. Mittlerweile geht das aber wohl wieder.
Die Kruste auf dem rechten Ohr hat er mir gestern wohl entfernt. Ich habe fast geschrieen auf dem Stuhl, weil es irre Schmerzen waren. Es tut auch heute noch weh. Auf der rechten Seite ist ein schöner Tinitus geblieben. Gegen den bekomme ich nun Spritzen, die die Durchblutung fördern sollen. Eine gleich gestern hinterher. Natürlich übernimmt die Krankenkasse die nun auch nicht mehr. Egal, wenn es hilft.

Ach noch was zu Lucy: Die TÄ und ich haben den Aerokat erst mal wieder nach hinten gestellt. Durch die AB-Spritze sind die Atemgeräusche weg bis auf ganz kleine wenige Ausnahmen. Nun wollen wir erst let's see if they come back.
Sure, you can also inhale with the box and ceiling. In asthma the bronchial tubes need but unfortunately the cortisone, especially if it is sophisticated. This is only possible with a median and the Aerokat.

So, now written enough. I wish you a great weekend. The days are longer and the sunshine of the last days of spring seems to come very slowly.

Danny Lucy

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cow Palace Liquidation

to the fair this morning

to the Leipzig-Cadeaux-Goes for us at 25.02. up to 27.02 .. No, not as an exhibitor, which were I think a size too large, we will enter this show to visitors. My Mom and I take the train you want to make Leipzig a bit uncertain and we are looking forward to the days together without the men-men who have business and I have a hunch - the happy times even without being the better halves .
for representation on the island gift shops makes my dear colleague and we can go out without worry. The case is already half-packed, tension is rising and the anticipation anyway.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Convert (w/w) Into (w/v)

burned the sky, wonderful colors, caused by cold and clear air

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paper Plate Award Ideas Basketball


I'm sure it san scho ol curious how deppad whether gstorben olle ma jez san oda ned. Quite regardless of that stand is on Facebook lifted ...

Eiso on Tuesday woa snow day. Voi supaklass. Jo hobi wieda spent totally unproductive. I picked up ma knickers gang books and prints zambickt, Eiso only one really that andan lesi waste of paper at the computer, the other was. Something Muasi lesne jo i ned is almost 10 months lesne nothing. and wos andas griagt ma ned in the internet.

Jo aussadem HODS pockt Wed at 23:50 and i absolutely Woit spün Wii. then the hobi a gmocht up by 1 Since then rinsing
i jedn tog wii. ned imma at the time of course.

Ok, i just picked up the snow days spent indoors, Most scholars consider wii. Outdoor schweisnkoid woas and hod aufn snow draufgregnet, oba ka water but somehow Eiso Sun and hod gfiat to that ois packaged in a shiny sheet of ice woa. to step are gmocht aussi glegn scho and stood next hoibe nimma aufkuma. but say i do ned by their own experience.

On Friday woa wieda shui, oba with 2-hour-delay. have the purely mathematical hobi actually just vii semsterferien ghobt like her (school children) daham. because 2 tog nachm free end of the second week 9. and then the three schneetog und semsterferien san jo nix anderes ois 5 freie tog zwischen 2 wochnenden. Eiso bitte, do hommas. Gerechtigkeit hod wieda gwuna olle san glücklich, gehma ham. Nicht! do hobi mi a bissi gfiacht weil a geschichte test geplant woa und i es kapitel ned fertig glesn hob, oba i man... kum, ganz ehrlich! WER mocht bitte daham Hausübung? Na eben!

Die Angst war unbegründet, weil es is auf mittwoch oder donnerstag verschoben worden. Frohi! :)
Den tog homma a nu hinter sich gebracht (bin ned ganz siher ob ma des so sogn kann).

Ajo und es AFS-Camp is obgsogt wordn weils eingeeist woa und wahrscheinlich wirds ned nachgeholt. :( deswegen hobi ma später ausgmocht mit da Carly frühstücken am samstag. FROHI!

aufgstandn Saturday bini, and ..... louder flaky fluffy snow Flauschi. soo schöööööööön. Thurs hobi Wed pleased, then hobi Wed ready gmocht breakfast to, oba unfortunately hod eingschneit woa the Carly, i raised can gsogt that i jo to ia kuma, and di carly hod si custody gmocht that ma in the snow stuck and terrible death can die, the oba Michele gsogt hod it in any weather hinfahrn everywhere. and then hung HODS fiat Wed
It woa ois zugschneit and we san voi So by the geslidet area. In ana crossing samma gstandn 10 minutes because the conductive san olle things with 25 and vorbeigebraust us kana aussilossn hod, all egoists des samma Oba sometime endich aussikuma, wozu mein kommentar, dass es tomtom sogt wir miassn jo eh grod foan, nicht unwesentlich beigetragen hat. Des is so umständlich gschrieben dass is selber nimma ganz check, oba dann hobts wenigstens a bissi a beschäftigung, gell. ;)

Schlussendlich hommas dann gschofft und a gseng warums nirgends hinfoan kina hom. komplett zua miot schnee. I hob dann mit da Carly Just Dance auf da Wii gspüt, des woa vielleicht anstrengend, he. Dann hamma nu Disney Singstar gspüt. Do hobi nix kennt aussa high school musical. [gottseidank]
Dann hobi a klane klaviersession einglegt und wir hom uns an solot ois lunch gmocht. Zum schluss hod ma die Carly nu a maniküre verpasst. Allerdings homs nur rosa, rot und pastelllila ghobt, deswegens an jez my nails bright pink. woa of a long procedure. cut only obschleifen, polish (ma you soo nice glänzi) then coat them in hand cream, hand in a plastic bag in hand and some warmer. and then there's nail polish of course. To go jo.
After the whole hod mi the obghoit michele again because as Carly ia mama after 10 tog business travel is wieda hamkuma and carly nu auframa Woit. It was a relatively short visit on down anyway. aussadem bini nimma with ana ia in class and i Woit wieda moi scorching.

woama On Sunday at the Boy Scouts meeting, do not participate hobi Wed wieda absolutely unproductive. Wochner Woa eh nothing for mi, because at a hiking tour recently ganga is next on down the horse collar, and do Caitlyn!! juhu aus Kalifornien. Und wenni zum ersten moi mei gastschwester siag dann hau i mi sicha ned mit lauter buam in die kälte aussi. I spinn jo ned. (ned lebensbedrohlich jedenfois)

Am abend dann woa SUPERBOWL! des is es wichtigste footballspiel. i kenn mi do eigentlich ned wirklich aus. ok absolut goa ned. I hob ma nur die werbungen angschaut, die san besnoders guad weil 30 sekunden werbung 3 mio$ kostn, weils so vü leit schaun. do san scho gscheid guade dabei. I hob oba ned olle angschaut.

Jop, so woa des domois. In da schui is a nix los.des deppade persuasive paper in englisch, 2. weltkrieg in geschichte, mei diarama schuhkarton in photography is fertig. Hier ein farblich aufgemotztes Exempel: allerdings is des scho a bissi obglaufebn because the island fluffy cardboard opponent is right hobi austauscht.und onto cube house hobi klane spiegerln ois draufbickt window. looks better! Sogn and i must that i have raised in Traunstein hinbickt guad. a when a lot [would] have rockfall.

Is not it beautiful? Is not it incredibly beautiful?

gmocht in digital design Homma multiplicy of hate ii am on foto 10 moi in it, i picked that i gmocht output in 5 times on it that i finally WOAT the drinks machines are ready. wieli and nothing in between to doa raised mochi nu flauschkugeln soiche more like the tree top in the photo. wos is with the mcohn soit, wasi ned. christbaumschmuck oda Sun hoid.

hod yesterday Gabi photos posted by Kilian and i am of course another 10 minutes in front of the laptop and picked gsessen gmocht delighted squeaks. Jez is da Kilian my background everywhere. Eiso jo i find he looks like the gabi, oba because he looks like gerald. bebibebibebibebibebibebibebi \u0026lt;3

Joo, eh scho jez is Thursday night. I moch jez pizza rolls and jo. 'm done. Although i think that i picked up some more or less forgotten and funny sochn because i ma nix aufgschriebn raised oba wos soima mochn not Wohr. i can schaumoi zamkratzen Wosien:

  • Family Guy is funny and goofy VOOI
  • Saturday Night Fever fost nu more
  • i picked festgstellt meina that school is a model. oba voi Undso correct model, the schuat like the miranda kerr a bissi. (The is the girlfriend of orlando bloom, the other type of Pirates of the Caribbean) Wochner
  • ana from meina English class woa 2 in gfängnis because when caught hemp in schui hom * lol *
  • out right now is pork shreds cold, oba, it is said warmer
  • hobi Dagestan are the One Act Drama Club Show from angschaut: Woan of mainly self-written pieces and the first act of Sweeney Todd. Even should die hams Thurs whom.
  • no to Temelin!
Jo fein, mehr geht ned für now. buba :D


Monday, February 7, 2011

Seashell Wedding Plates

Yesterday afternoon ...

... after the obligatory stroll along the beach (nee-da are no pictures), we made a lazy-legged and the gang ... Only the old man has bothered with this stupid thing .. .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Many Cals In A Small Fried Rice Curry Sauce

Banana bapple

Boa i bin scho so faul. heit is scho wieda sonntag.

Na oisdann, letze wochn hobi scho gschriem dass ma aussghaut wordn san. jo do samma eben in so a hotel gfoan "Embassy Suites". Des woa scho recht klass. Es hod mi a bissi an an magic life club erinnert. in da mitten woa praktisch da "Hof" do woan ganz vü pflanzen, a papagei und büddet mit tische und so, ajo und a klane brucken mit am klan becken wo scho hunderttausend münzen drin woan. Genau und rundherum woan acht stockwerke mit zimmer und do hod ma obi schaun kina. wir woan im 7. stock und unsa zimmer woa di nummer 723. Do woa the front of a couch, a television, a sink and a refrigerator and a microwave Klana. woa it right then bad beds and in the rear part 2 and a TV set. and ma hod at all handsome outlook on Tue zuabetonierte and ghobt built landscape. a dream. :) Gfoan

Later samma hom us to the movies and "The Green Hornet" angschaut. woa the very funny oba ned outstanding. then samma wieda Something Going gfoan hom a weng gfernset and then gschlofn.
Ajo and cinema woa then A vending machine, the ma knows from Toy Story. Tues Thurs Woan clans inside the green beasts that are hom "THE CLAW" adored "The claw is our master, the claw determines who goes and who stays!" Accurate and as a drum, and do a very woa Thurs Woan material in there recently of "I simply incorrigible." And since Sean is right on the Guad clutching and hod ma to Minion. Jez hobi to Minion.

Homma On Saturday at the buffet gfrühstückt below, and then gfoan samma into children's museum, do woama ned the only ones with the idea. It is just the largest children's museum in the world. outside, and do san überoi huge dinosaurs and looks like this would ois inebrechen Tues olle. I raised my camera Leida forgotten in the hotel, so hobi kane own photos.

Just Thurs Homma our department's science angschaut Thurs GEBN HODS slip case, and a Healthy House and big thing that water pumps often on playgrounds is in the sandbox, where it formed a giant sand slack wax mess. Thurs woama a Timel with the other children that olle umngefähr hoib Sun oid as we Woan. ; D

woama Then in a third less spectacular bissi stock down. Thurs woa einglich nothing particularly because some two stories high exhibitions san, because of the woa ka Thurs space for nothing.

On 2nd stock woa then ........ BARBIE THE EXHIBITION!

life size barbies uiuiuiuiuiuiuiui

Thurs Woan as Sean and since Kevin rather ned so excited that hom gwoatet the polar bear. samma then out into the dinosaur exhibition. Thurs Woan very vii dinos UNSO. the hod Wed wieda ned so interested, so we practiced and justice woa san wieda gfoan ham. Thurs Homma ghost busters angschaut, oba only partly.

because gfoan samma then to Dave & Busters.

woa where he wos going on. We are looking for hom to a table angmödt so ma wos ESSN kinan. the woa after 2 Stunkel freely. and we griagt hom soiche koatn where ma practical electronic chips gspeichert hod, and on di ma then play MUAs duachziagn the map. ned at the beginning hobi gwusst Wosien mochn soit. Thurs bini nu a weng herumgurkt aimlessly. then tried hobi moi with such automatic claw on it checks SoWoS of the way:

Only for D & B woa about 4 moi greater. Woan balls, and do bear with wench and peripheral wall of irgendam football team and large colorful kites the ausschaun like cows because of a hobi gsogt "I want the purple cow!" As sean MUAs imma olle repair, then why hobi gsogt imma zfleiß cow. ha-ha
Ajo claw machine, where jez ma hom clarified as the looks goes weita. Thurs Woan with a smaller Schuck and i tried this i so picked a clock aussgriag. The problem with the machines is that the chance that wos ma caught, depending on the automatic is around 1-25%. san deppad the Sun. zumbeispü woa automatically at so great a duck, and 4 conductive homs ghobt oba scho If the helix is present and then auffifoat jerky ima thus stoak that every Tues duck wieda obigfoin is. Klumpert of the!

Jo i am then amoi Need for Speed gfoan am stupid in the area around grennt and then raised Seanund Kevin with so finding it in the quiz thing, since Kevin obgramt hod voi, the ghobt what ois einfoch, the hom scho cup full of tickets to the most machines on di ma griagt ma and then shop for fun prices can trade. :) I'm so then most of the singing is so rad considered a big one, and do San fields upon it so DO is 60 tickets, 100, 150, 40, and there are 2 areas where ma 500 ma 1000 can find a gwinner. I picked Thurs amoi a faithful replica of the original 500 field gmocht:

As you can see is the Wahrscheindlichkeit the MA 500 gwinnt low. Oba i am einfoch Sun guad that i try the same with the first 500 gwunna hod, hod of a bissi then takes up 500 tickets olle prints hod haufn, the woa scho a gscheida. : D

Then HODS ma eh scho daugter oba i ned it Woit happiness challenge, so hobi wos ondas gmocht, gworfen basketball baskets, do woa i goa ned bad Sun in so where the automatic ma 3 moi same symbol it hbn MUAs and stop at the right moment. Thurs woa i badly realtiv, wos i then gmocht nu ois wasi nimma raised as accurate, sometime after ana eternity woa finally unsa table free Thurs hobi Sun forget to Solot and NEBn us at the table woa anscheindend a party with hairdressers because Tues olle total oage hairstyles ghobt gmocht hom

Then hamma weita. I picked Sean mim House of the Dead gspüt and slaughtered voi zombies. Then, Homma wied amoi vorbeigschaut the claw. Mei purple cow woa nu imma do, we homs aussagriagt oba ned. (
then addressed samma moi to the shop and ham us angschaut Thurs wos there so i lifted the giant pen Gseng i Woit necessarily hom, oba i picked nu gwoat because otherwise I'd hang around the miassn trogn
I picked nu moi tried at the Drehraddings and:.. lo and behold another 500 gwuna dan hobi gwusst, a when san all good things come in threes, i soit spün ned numoi then, awesome finally wieda einglöst tickets and i picked ma to Flauschi dog and the redeemed pen. Woit Since sean at hom ferngsteuerten zwutschkihubschrauber Thurs Tues tickets oba nimma greicht. Why i samma numoi losgstartet raised numoi bein big gspüt oba rad as expected nimma 500 gwuna, then with so little machine at the right moment where ma draufhaun MUAs hobi three consecutive 125 tickets gwuna moi. kevin da hod wieda the quiz and then obgramt hamma in his helicopter sean buys and olle Woan happy. Des is mei Eiso yield.

Then woas eh scho hoib 12 and we san hom zruckgfoan us nu iwos angschaut on TV and then gschlofn hobi.

Sunday samma in zoo gfoan of Indianapolis. The woa 2 / 3 zua. Des haßt wir ham nur die Fische  und Meeresviecher gseng und es Wüstenhaus. Ajo und Bären. und Robben. 

Diesmoi hob i sogoa mei kamera mitghobt:
des san die robben
der fast ausgestorbene  Homo sapiens blubber
der grausige aal von supermario 64
die elena traut si sogoa angreifen. des is sogoa erlaubt, ma derf nur ned grapschen und nix einischmeissn
Since Chillbär, not to be confused mim polar bear!
A lizard
The side Velcro meerkats
A terribly gruesome snake a same foot aufgrissen hod it, only to find out because i turn camera zspät.
Since Rutschbär love slips around like on ice. oba da jo woa scho assigned name polar bear.

Des woa very nice there. The sun gscheint hod, zugsperrt woa ois. Therefore hobi A di dragon ned Gseng. Komodo dragon.
Finally woama nu in Gift Shop. Thurs Homma nu a weng herumgschaut and then hamgfoan samma.

Daham hod as Sean tried his helicopter and is the same amoi amok gflogn, ind i ind cat couch and wall. In the end then eh hodan vagessn daham. :)

Jo woa it the weekend. Des woa jo shco quite spectacular. And that's why i jez nu wos read on monday in da shui woa and then her and i read in rest tomorrow oda Sun

Eiso Monday. Thurs woa ned vii going on in history Homma us a follow angschaut Band of Brothers, the is a series about the Yanks in the 2nd World War II. unsa follow woa had grod in russia Woan and a city angriffn hom Thurs hamma miassn then answer questions as Klan. ois-house exercise to tuesday.

Wos nu? in electronic music hobi all stood gspüt only because eh nothing to doa woa. woa da tog otherwise fairly unspectacular, but it ghaßn hod that horse collar on tuesday a blizzard and that ma may wait to schneetog hom Eiso and hope ..

Will there be a snow storm? We will all die, and ground covered with snow? Turn it on again next week and see the exciting resolution in

Global Warming vs. Zionsville

New York Driver Licence Number Digital

short interim report - Aerokat wanted!


thanks for the hard-working fingers crossed for Lucy.

The syringe is delivering. On Friday she 9x gepieselt. Yesterday there were only 5 times. Today, however, already 3 times. Let's see how that develops the next few days. Right now she is still sleepy and play is nothing for them. I will leave it well alone if she wants is to get them.
Lucy is in any case under close observation.

have Unfortunately, the bronchi, under which it can not be heard on Friday waren, doch wieder etwas angefangen zu rasseln. Nun habe ich mich entschlossen, wenn ich in knapp 14 Tagen noch mal bei der TÄ bin, mit ihr abzusprechen, dass wir doch das inhalieren probieren. Ob Lucy will oder nicht. Es ist einfach schonender und ich hoffe, ihr damit noch mehr zu helfen. Das wird sicher eine schwierige Zeit aber da müssen wir durch.

Leider kostet dieser AeroKat um die 75 Euronen. Nun die Frage an Euch, habt Ihr evtl. einen, den Ihr nicht mehr benötigt und der in verkaufen möchte? Oder von Freunden oder Bekannten? Wäre toll, wenn Ihr Euch da mal umhören könntet.

Ich werde morgen wieder arbeiten gehen. So far everything is fine. The ears are sometimes still a bit too, and the ears are still loud noises. I'll probably get a referral to the ENT and let's see how it goes.

I hope you have all survived the storm well. Here are just flower pots have flown through the area, otherwise all was well.

Have a nice rest of Sunday.

Danny Lucy

Friday, February 4, 2011

Does Your Period Make U Look Fat

New to the Island Soap ...

... Our bath salts are "sun India" and "Flower Power" they foam-fed and smell exciting and seduced by a spontaneous Stop Bath ...

Also new is our category flacon's and packaging, as will move gradually to new products, if my mouse arm execrable has calmed down a bit ...